Challenges 4 Phrasal Verbs b-k

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question English réponse English
be named after someone
commencer à apprendre
to be given the same name as someone
blow something up
commencer à apprendre
to destroy a building, etc using a bomb
break out of somewhere
commencer à apprendre
to leave a prison, etc by force
bring something in
commencer à apprendre
to introduce a new law
care about someone/something
commencer à apprendre
to have feelings for a person, animal
carry something out
commencer à apprendre
to put a new idea, etc into practise
check something out
commencer à apprendre
to get information about something
chill out
commencer à apprendre
to relax
come along
commencer à apprendre
come back
commencer à apprendre
to return
come past (someone/something)
commencer à apprendre
to pass by
cut something down
commencer à apprendre
to use a saw, etc to bring down a tree
die out
commencer à apprendre
to disappear completely
drop out of something
commencer à apprendre
to leave a course, etc before finishing
end up
commencer à apprendre
to finish
fall in love with someone
commencer à apprendre
to begin to love someone romantically
fall off something
commencer à apprendre
to fall by accident
fall out
commencer à apprendre
to come out, e.g. hair or a tooth
get away with something
commencer à apprendre
to escape without punishment
get back
commencer à apprendre
to return
get by
commencer à apprendre
to manage
get (something) down
commencer à apprendre
to move (something) to a lower place
get down to
commencer à apprendre
to begin doing something seriously
get hold of someine/something
commencer à apprendre
to catch and hold a person, thing
get in
commencer à apprendre
to enter a place
get into something
commencer à apprendre
to become interested in something
get off
commencer à apprendre
to leave a bus, train, plane
get on
commencer à apprendre
to walk on to a bus, train, plane
get on with someone
commencer à apprendre
to be friendly with someone
get out (of something)
commencer à apprendre
to leave or escape a car, house
get something out
commencer à apprendre
to remove something
get to
commencer à apprendre
to arrive at
get up
commencer à apprendre
to move out of your bed or a chair
give something away
commencer à apprendre
1. give something as a present 2. to tell a secret
give something out
commencer à apprendre
to distribute
give something up
commencer à apprendre
to stop doing something
give up
commencer à apprendre
to stop an activity
go ahead
commencer à apprendre
to continue/do something
go ahead with something
commencer à apprendre
to start something as planned despite problems
go away
commencer à apprendre
to leave a place or person
go down
commencer à apprendre
to get smaller
go on
commencer à apprendre
to happen
go out with someone
commencer à apprendre
to have a romantic relationship with a person
hand something in
commencer à apprendre
to give something to someone in authority
hang around
commencer à apprendre
to stay in one place doing nothing
keep in touch with someone
commencer à apprendre
to continue to talk to, write letters or e-mail someone you don't see often

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