_000 Codecademy 01

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Each lesson starts here. Read the explanation, then follow the instructions underneath. If you get stuck, you can click on the "Hint" for help.
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Type your response to the instructions here, in your code editor.
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In this project, we'll write a program that animates your name. When you move your mouse over your name, bubbles will scatter away and then reassemble.
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scatter away
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ponownie zmontować
To create this project, we'll first learn JavaScript, a programming language. Then we'll apply what we've learned to write this program.
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In our code, we're using document. write() simply to display the string of your name in the preview window. The important stuff is inside the parentheses, so let's just focus on that.
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simply to display
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po prostu aby wyświetlić
the string of your name
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ciąg nazw
The important stuff is inside the parentheses.
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Ważne rzeczy są w nawiasach.
So let's just focus on that.
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Więc skupmy się na tym.
To discover the length of a string, write the string within quotes. Then write a period (full stop) and the word length.
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To discover the length of a string.
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Aby odkryć długość łańcucha.
write the string within quotes
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napisz ciąg w cudzysłowiu
Then write a period (full stop) and the word length.
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Potem napisz kropkę i słowo długość.
What's the length of your name?
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Jaka jest długość twojej nazwy?
You just wrote a string.
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Ty po prostu napisałeś sznur (ciąg).
A string can contain letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols. Strings are surrounded with quotes.
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