Zwroty do matury ustnej

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question réponse
Pozwól mi przez chwilę pomyśleć
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Well, let me think for a moment
Well, I guess
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Wydaje mi się, że
Nie jestem pewnien
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I'm not quite sure
Nie mam nic przeciwko np. sprzątaniu
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I don't mind cleaning
nie mogę znieść
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I can't stand
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I'm going to...
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I would like to...
Czy mógłbyś powtórzyć?
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Could you say that again please?
Nie jestem pewnien, czy rozumiem...
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I'm not sure I understand that...
Inną sugestią byłoby...
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Another suggestion would be to...
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I would sugget
To mogłoby być użyteczne, żeby...
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It might be useful to...
z jednej strony...
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On the one hand...
Z drugiej strony...
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On the other hand...
My potrzebujemy rozważyć plusy i minusy
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We need to weigh up the pros and the cons
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są dwie strony medalu...
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there are to sides to this...
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bad thing
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good point
To daje do myślenia
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It is really thought-provoking!
Dosyć prawdopodobne/możliwe...
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It is quite likely that...
Wydaje mi się, że...
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it seems to me that...
Moim zdaniem
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In my opinion/ In my view
Moim osobistym favorytem jest...
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My personal favourite is...
Mówiąc prawdę...
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Well, to tell the truth...
Osobiście sądzę/wierzę...
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Personally I think/believe
Jeśli o mnie chodzi...
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As for as I am concerned...
Powodem jest...
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The reason is...
Trudno powiedzieć
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It is also important that...
To zalezy od tak wielu rzeczy...
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Well it depends on so many things...
Nie możemy zapomnieć, że...
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We musn't forget that...
O wiele bardziej wolałabym...
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I'd much rather...
Ja preferowałabym...
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I'd prefer because...
Ja definitywnie zdecydowałabym się na...
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I'd definitely go for...
Nigdy mnie do tego nie namówisz...+
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You'd never get me to...

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