zawartość zakupowego koszyka

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Jakie typowe produkty zawiera kosz na zakupy?
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What are typical products content of shopping basket?
wózek sklepowy
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internetowe strony zakupowe
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shopping sites on the Internet
okno wystawowe
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window display / shop window
nawyki konsumenckie
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consumer habits
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When you enjoy shopping, find it relaxing and satisfying and you don't think there's anything wrong with that.
zakupowa okazja
Kiedy przegapię zakupową okazję, zaczynam być sfrustrowana.
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shopping opportunity
When I miss out on a shopping opportunity, I get pretty frustrated.
puszka lemoniady
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a can of lemonade
puszka z karmą dla kota
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a tin of cat food
karton mleka
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a carton of milk
bochenek chleba
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a loaf of bread
kiść winogron
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a bunch of grapes
kostka margaryny
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a tub of margarine
paczka chusteczek / chipsów
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a packet of tissues / crisps
słoik dżemu
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a jar of jam
kawałek chudego mięsa
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a loaf of lean meat
butelka szampana
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a bottle of champagne
pudełko pieluch
Mają dziecko ponieważ mają pudełko pieluch w wózku.
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a box of nappies
They've got a baby because there are a box of nappies in the trolley.
tarty ser
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grated cheese
baton musli
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cereal bar
wstępnie umyte warzywa
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pre-washed vegetables
luksusowy przedmiot
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luxury item
skreślać z listy
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crossed of the list
usuwać mniej popularne produkty
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remove less popular products
zastąpić nowymi produktami
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replace with new products

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