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a que la deje preñada delante de la familia commencer à apprendre
to get her pregnant in front of the family
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es una falta de respeto con el abuelo commencer à apprendre
it is disrespectful to grandpa
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Te quieres dejar de chistesitos? commencer à apprendre
Do you want to stop joking?
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te he preguntado con quién estabas commencer à apprendre
I asked you who you were with
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no puedes obligarme a que me queda commencer à apprendre
you can't force me to have left
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mientras yo no este casa tu no saldras de ahi commencer à apprendre
As long as I'm not home, you won't get out of there
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sabia que esto iba a pasar commencer à apprendre
no me apetece bajar las escaleras commencer à apprendre
I don't feel like going down the stairs
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