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Yeah, you may be right.
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Tak, morzesz miec racje.
She got married a year ago.
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Ona wyszla za monrz rok temu.
Slow down, there is a flashing yellow light.
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Zwolnij, jest migajonce rzulte swiatlo.
Yes, you can go.
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Tak, morzesz isc.
We quarrelled bitterly yesterday.
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My ostro sie wczoraj posprzeczalismy.
I haven't finished yet.
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Ja nie mam jeszcze skonczone.
What do you do?
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Czym sie zajmujesz?
When you are young, you don't think about that.
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Kiedy jestes mlody nie myslisz o tym.
This is your table.
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To jest wasz stolik.
He described his youth in detail.
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On opisal swojom mlodosc szczegulowo.

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