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You have offended my honor, sir, and in so doing, you have awoken the pranking demon that sleeps in my pits! commencer à apprendre
obudzić się, przebudzić się
The demon is coming for you, mortal. commencer à apprendre
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Whatever. I'm gonna take a day-long nap. commencer à apprendre
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(informal) naiwniak, frajer, głupek, głąb
Go nap it up! For when you awake, the pranking demon will be upon you! commencer à apprendre
(informal) kawał, zrobić komuś żart
AmE: garbage bag BrE: rubbish bag commencer à apprendre
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My name is NEPTR, which stands for never ending pie-throwing robot. commencer à apprendre
znaczyć coś, być skrótem od czegoś
commencer à apprendre
And my tank treads do not roll! commencer à apprendre
Does it please you to watch me struggle? commencer à apprendre
satysfakcjonować kogoś, zadowalać kogoś
Does it please you to watch me struggle? commencer à apprendre
borykać się, wysilać się, zmagać się
You're probably going through a lot of personal stuff right now. commencer à apprendre
What beautiful piles of sugar! commencer à apprendre
Did y'all smack me into that mountain on purpose? commencer à apprendre
You guys hang out in case we need a daring escape. commencer à apprendre
Just got to sneak around. He snuck out of the house commencer à apprendre
zakradać się (gdzieś), wykradać się (skądś)
commencer à apprendre
Terrible! How could l possibly stand to be apart from you the lce King? commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
That frog is casting magic missiles on my babe! commencer à apprendre
Quickly, while he's distracted. commencer à apprendre
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pokazywać (kogoś, coś w telewizji, kinie)
You're starting to infuriate me. commencer à apprendre
It's almost like you try to alert me. commencer à apprendre
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Perhaps he's lurking in this very room, just outside my field of vision. commencer à apprendre
You're looking kind of fat, Gunter. commencer à apprendre
Creator, you have shown me the joys of pranking. commencer à apprendre
radość, uciecha, przyjemność
And we're gonna smash right into it! commencer à apprendre
Let's grab some lightning and get out of here! commencer à apprendre
Finish him off, my semi-loyal pet! commencer à apprendre
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świadek wydarzenia (przypadkowy),
Something about that robot l tried to kill fills me with deep longing. commencer à apprendre
l am troubled, Creator -troubled by a sudden urge to collect princesses. commencer à apprendre
l am troubled, Creator -- 236 00:08:25,605 --> 00:08:29,006 troubled by a sudden urge to collect princesses. commencer à apprendre
pragnienie (zrobienia czegoś),
NEPTR, that's a heavy unsettling thing to say. commencer à apprendre
But pull yourself together! commencer à apprendre
When you were struck with my lightning, you also became infused with my private particles. commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
Allow me to tantalize you with thls! commencer à apprendre
1. zwodzić (kogoś), łudzić (kogoś czymś) 2. kusić
As my son, you will carry on the tradition of capturing ladies. commencer à apprendre
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