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question English réponse English
love at first sight
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love began the first moment they saw each other
Fell head over heels in love
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fell deeply and madly in love
To have eyes only for
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be only attracted to
Platonic relationship
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affectionate relationship between people of the opposite sex that is not sexual
Infatuated with sb
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romantically obsessed with
Besotted with
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almost stupidly or blindly in love with
Hit off
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like each other the moment we met
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people who feel close to each other in spirit and who understand each other deeply
Lifelong companion
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friend who was with her all her life
A man after my own heart
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someone you admire because you think or do the same as you
Get on with sb like house on fire
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have very good enjoyable relationship
Bosom friends/ buddies/pals
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very close, good friends
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always want to be together
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relationship or feeling of togetherness
Kindred spirit
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a person who has the same opinions, feelings, and interests as you
Well matched couple
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similar and suitable for each other
Family ties
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the relationships between family members
Affectionate – affection
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showing feelings of liking or love
Amiable – amiability
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pleasant and friendly
Considerate/ consideration
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kind and helpful:
Faithful, faithfulness
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Fond – fondness
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having a great liking for someone or something
Loyal – loyality
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firm and not changing in your friendship with
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showing agreement and giving encouragement

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