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reduction or elimination of wapons and armed forces
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filling one with horror okropny
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covered with swelling caused by burning
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make unfit, unable to perform and action
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(about the container) enclose
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rockets for use in war pocisk rakietowy
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extermination of people by mass murder
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złowieszcze żniwo śmierci
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connected with lower part of the food canal jelitowy
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agreement made and signed between nations
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mieć absolutne pierwszeństwo
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thing that discourage sb from doing sth
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temporary cessation of activity czasowe zaprzestanie działalności
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list of things to be discussed at a meeting
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having many parts, each of which can run independently
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vechicle from which a missile is launched
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(of the nucleus of certain atoms) that can be split
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jednogłośnie zobowiązać się
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przygotować projekt traktatu
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large meeting, assembly wiec, zgromadzenie
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monotonously repeat slogans
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any non-white, (abusive slang)
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sending away by force wydalenie
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done or shown openly, publicly
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exile, person escaping from danger
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reprisal, punishement odwet
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many people leaving one location
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refuge, protection from persecution
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temporary dissmissal from work tymczasowe, przymusowe zwolnienie z pracy
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weekly payment to the unembployed
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something given to the poor, dole
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satisfy, please or make quiet
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allowance of money to which a person is entitled
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(of events) happen at the same time
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organized passive protest in whicj demonstrators occupy their place of work
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protest organized within an industry
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put and end to the activity, quash
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go to different directions
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refusal to recognise authority
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device which enables the voice to be amplified
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confused fight or a struggle
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driving the crowd back by the police using their sticks (batons)
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resist, disobey utrudniać
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