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the way that one thinks or feel about smth // podejście do czegoś
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to receive smth that will help to improve one's life // skorzystać
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the sorrow of one feels when sb close dies // żałoba
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of not pleasant taste/feeling of dissapointment or anger // gorycz,żal do kogoś, czegoś
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to say someone is responsible for smth that happened // winić
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a strong connection and feeling of love and friendship with sb // więź
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loved very much and kept deep in one's heart // umiłowany, kochany, drogi
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willing to do what one is asked to do, obedient // usłużny, uległy
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willing to end a disagreement with someone // ugodowy, pojednawczy, polubowny
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very careful to do things properly // sumienny
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to speak with a very soft and quiet voice // gruchać
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to reduce in size, importance or intensity // maleć
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to make sure that smth happens // zapewnić
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a family which includes aunts, uncles and grandparents who live all together // dalsza rodzina
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smth that affects an event or process //czynnik
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to do what one was expected, grew to expectations // spełniać, zaspokajać
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travelling 'round the world // globtroterstwo
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unfriendly and agressive // wrogi
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extremely knowledgeable about smth // mający ogromną wiedzę na jakiś temat
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doing things without thinking about them carefully; spontenious // impulsywny
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too many to be counted // niezliczony
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done without need to think // instynktowny
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able to completly change someone's life // zmieniający całe życie
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with a feeling of desire, missing or yearning // z utęsknieniem
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simple, ordinary, least // zwłykły, sam
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beliefs of what good and bad behaviour is // wartości moralne
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felt or done equally by two or more people // wzajemnie, obupólnie, wspólnie
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working as a nanny, taking care of young children, babysitting // niańczenie, opieka nad dziećmi
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home, usually of birds // gniazdko, mieszkanie
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determined to do what one wants, stubborn // uparty
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one of people involved in a practicular situation // strona, osoba zainteresowana
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sb who refuses to do or accept anything that isnt as good as it could possibly be // perfekcjonista
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difficult to deal with or understand // kłopotliwy
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to ask a question // zadać pytanie
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a small vehicle which a baby can be put in and moved around // wózek dziecięcy
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very simple or old-fashioned in negative way // prymitywny
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confusing // zastanawiający, zagadkowy
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often getting involved in arguments // kłótliwy
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to start comunicate with someone again // odnowić stosunki
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to remember smth and tell others about it // przypominać sobie coś
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feeling energetic because one has just had a rest // wypoczęty
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a feeling that one is part of a group // poczucie przynależności
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an argument of little importance // sprzeczka
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not likely to change // stabilny
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obeying sb without arguing // uległy, posłuszny, potulny
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smth one can give or do to make smth else more pleasant // osłoda
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to behave towards or deal with sb // traktować
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giving to others without asking to be done in exchange // bezwarunkowy
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a strong wish or will to do smth // chęć, potrzeba, POCIĄG
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an empty space, void // pustka, próżnia
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sb's health, comfort and happiness // byt, dobrobyt, pomyslność
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when one is too likely to work and cant stop // pracoholizm
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when one is chasing rainbows, daydreaming // rozmarzony
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of a smile: happy, proud, big // promienny uśmiech
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practicular style // styl, sposób
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the shape and size of one's body // budowa ciała
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having a practicular quality or attitude which will not change // nieuleczalny
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showing a lot of love for sb else // czuły, opiekuńczy
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having a certain habit or belief that is unlikely to change // zatwardziały, nałogowy
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a man who has never married // kawaler
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forgetful, not paying a lot attention // roztargniony
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enjoying life and not worrying about the future //
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a very outgoing person // ekstrawertyk
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acting carelessly, not thinking about the consequences // ryzykancki, brawurowy
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person who spends too much money // rozrzutnik
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closest relatives living together // najbliższa rodzina
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a person that is related to us by birth // krewny
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a person that is our relative after marriage of his relative with ours // spowinowacony
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brother of one of our grandparents // dziadek cioteczny, stryjeczny
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brother of our married one // szwagier
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daughter of our brother-in-law, sister-in-law, sister or brother // siostrzenica/bratanica
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"new" wife of our dad // macocha
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when you are siblings related just by one of parents // brat przyrodni
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chances for success in one's career // perspektywy zawodowe
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welfare, no worries about money problems // zabezpieczenie finansowe
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being fully developed both in one's personality and emotions // dojrzałość
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the ability to share someone elses feelings as if they were your own // empatia
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great love, affection and commitment // oddanie, poświęcenie
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the person one is married to // małżonek
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sad and depressing // fatalny
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lasting longer than usual
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great unhappiness // nieszczęście, niedola, nędza
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of two people to slowly pull away from each other emotionally // oddalić się od siebie
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get married // pobrać się
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to disapprove of smth // nie pochwalać
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to live together without being married // konkubinat
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relating to marriage // małżeński
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not having essential things in life // pozbawiony podstawowych dóbr i środków
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frequently affected by smth bad // podatny na coś złego
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to start doing smth new and difficult // rozpocząć, przedsięwziąć
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weak and without protection, easily hurt // wrażliwy, bezbronny
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someone who gives advices to married couples that have problems // psycholog prowadzący terapię małżeńską
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a situation in sb's life is difficult or unpleasant(us. related with money problems) // bieda, trudności
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giving oneself a position of leader without asking // samozwańczy
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refusing to do or get smth cause one cant afford them or doesnt want them cause of beliefs // odmawiający sobie przyjemności
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spending too much time thinking about oneself and one's problems //mający obsesję na własnym punkcie
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convinced one is right and others are wrong // przekonany o własnej nieomylności
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able to control onself without being told so // wewnętrznie zdyscyplinowany
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autodestructive // autodestuktywny
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allowing oneself to have or do smth enjoyable // pobłażający sobie
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admitting openly what one is // otwarcie przyznający się do prawdy o sobie
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to make somebody feel comfortable by doing things for them // rozpieszczać, dogadzać
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to continue existing // trwać, przetrwać
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to reduce degree, speed or intensity // złagodzić, ulżyć
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to suggest for others to think about smth // zaproponować
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modern //postępowy, progresywny
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a big and sudden change // nagła zmiana
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a quality or feature sb has // cecha, atrybut
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not thinking deeply, shallow // powierzchowny, płytki
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closely linked and do things together // mocno związany, zżyty
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deep or sincere // płynący prosto z serca, szczery, głęboki
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to stay with and support each other // trzymać się razem
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cheer up, be there for someone to talk // ramię do wypłakania
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be over the moon // być w siódmym niebie
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to try to stay positive in bad situation, think about perks of smth // patrzeć na jasne strony
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to enjoy oneself very much // doskonale się bawić
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to mke sb fll in love very quickly because one is attractive and exciting // zwalić kogoś z nóg
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to refuse joining others in enjoyable activity and upset them // psuć nastrój
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to be very lively and have a lot of energy and enthusiasm // tryskać energią
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to feel depressed and miserable // być w dołku
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to cry very much and very hard // wypłakiwać oczy
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to be in such bad state that it cant get any worse // sięgnąć dna
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to be kind and nice // mieć złote serce
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saying smth by mistake // przejęzyczenie
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a very small amount of truth // ziarenko prawdy
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a small bit of sadness and regret // odrobina żalu
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amount of worry // odrobina troski, zmartwienia
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a strong feeling of pride and pleasure //silne poczucie zadowolenia i dumy
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to hel someone become concious again // ocucić, pomóc komuś odzyskać przytomność
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to cause smth to happen // wywołać
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to replace someone at work // zastąpić kogoś w pracy
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mean or represent // oznaczać
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to implement // wprowadzić
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to give somebody support and help // wspierać kogoś
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to be very noticeable // odstawać od reszty, wyróżniać się
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to make somebody concious again
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legal regulations, laws // przepisy
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somebody's nationality or social status // pochodzenie
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financial help provided by governamet // zasiłki rodzinne
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typical of young people, young or seeming young // młodzieńczy
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afraid that smth bad might happen // zaniepokojony
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not doing smth quickly or immediatly because one is uncertain, worried or embarrased // niepewny, niezdecydowany
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lacking courage and confidance
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to formally send a report, request or proposal to somebody // oddać, złożyć
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an extra period of time for which stm lasts or valid // przedłużenie