Vika 3rd March 2017 (1 h 45 min) #19 + #20

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O której poszłaś spać wczoraj?
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What time did you go to bed / sleep yesterday?
iść spać
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to go to bed / to go to sleep
Jestem w łóżku.
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I'm in bed.
Boli mnie gardło.
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My throat is SORE. / I have a SORE throat.
Boli mnie głowa.
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I have A headache.
ból zęba
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Boli mnie ucho.
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I have AN earache.
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ucho zaczyna się od samogłoski
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ear startS with a vowel
Zaczęłam uczyć się ang 5 lat temu.
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I started TO learn / learning English 5 years ago.
zacząć coś robić
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to start to do sth / verb+ing
Ona przestała palić.
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She stopped smoking.
rzucić palenie
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to quit - quit - quit (smoking)
On rzucił palenie 5 lat temu.
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He quit smoking five years ago. / He gave up smoking 5 years ago.
poddać się
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to give up
Mam dobrą wiadomość dla ciebie.
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I have GOOD news for you.
To jest zła wiadomość.
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It's BAD news.
półtorej godziny
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one and a half hours
pół godziny
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half AN hour
Let's meet in half an hour.
półtora tygodnia
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one and a half weeks
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neighbour / neighbor AmE
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to apologize AmE / to apologiSe BrE
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Wstaw czajnik.
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Put on the kettle, please.
Jak to się nazywa po polsku?
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WHAT is it called in Polish?
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rhythm /ˈrɪðəm/
Podoba mi się rytm tej piosenki.
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I like the rhythm of this song.
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to mention
I mentioned it yesterday. Don't you remember?
a public building where people can go to do sports and other activities in their free time
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leisure centre
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tiresome / tiring
okazja / szansa
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źle usłyszeć
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to mishear
I think I've misheard you.
to become worse
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to deteriorate
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bogaty / zamożny
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Nie mam wsytarczająco dużo czasu, żeby odpocząć.
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I don't have enough time to rest.
znudzić się czymś
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to get bored with sth
Co mas dzisiaj na sobie?
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What are you wearing today?
wydawać pieniądze na coś
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to spend money ON sth
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uzaleźnić się od FB
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to get addicted to FB
Czy jesteś uzależniona od kawy?
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Are you addicted TO coffee?
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drug addiction
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pearpara skarpetek
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a pair of socks
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to compare
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comparison /kəmˈpærɪsn/
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segregować śmieci
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to segregate trash
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the environment
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instead of
brać kąpiel
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to take a bath
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To sum up, ... / To summarise,...
zapnij pas
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buckle up / fasten your seatbelt
w ciągu kilku najbliższych tygodni
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in the next few weeks

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