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to switch sth off / to turn off
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przepraszam, że musiałaś czekać commencer à apprendre
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to drawn - drawned - drawned
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it's up to you / you can choose
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I did my face. / I put on make-up. I did my hair. / I did my nails. / I did my eyes. / I did my lips.
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to choose - chose - chosen
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The car is quite small, especially if you have children.
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to fall asleep - fell asleep - fallen asleep
skończyć coś (o jakimś produkcie) . commencer à apprendre
Yesterday we ran out of sugar that's why we had to go to the supermarket.
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to APPLY some mascara on your eyelashes
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My father has two left feet
Nie interesuj się moimi sprawami. / Nie wtrącaj się. commencer à apprendre
Keep your nose out of my business.
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Could you lend me a hand?
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I can give you a hand with those bags.
Do you need a hand with those bags? commencer à apprendre
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to put your heart into sth
zgadzać się z kimś na temat czegoś commencer à apprendre
to see eye to eye WITH sb ON sth The two political leaders see eye to eye on many issues.
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