useful on-the-spot translations

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wzbudzać emocje; zainteresowanie
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arouse, evoke emotions/interest
elicit a feeling. New virtual reality solutions at work evoke my interest.
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egoism. It may seem egotistical that I say such things of myself.
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If you're not turned every few hours, you get bedsores
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annoying, pesky
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a religion based on the ideas of the Chinese philosopher Confucius
drzewa kołyszą się/ POWIEWAJĄ na wietrze
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the trees are blowing in the wind
, liniowy, w linii prostej
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This book has a linear plot.
zwierzęta się do niego przyzwyczaiły
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animals acclimatised to him
he was standing up to his knees in the water until the maritime creatures got acclimatised to him.
mieć coś w zanadrzu
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on tap/have something up his sleeve
on tap on hand: available
services instantly on tap
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word formation
sprzyjać czemuś
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be conducive to sth
Even so they are conducive to the good of the world outside also.
o świcie.
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with a crack of dawn
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I also look to them for continued support through the codecision process.
siedzieć w rada nadzorcza
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sit on the supervisory board
From 1952 to 1966, he also sat on the supervisory board.
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the dried root of a Mediterranean plant, used in medicines and to give flavour to food, especially sweets
It consists of a liquorice-flavoured jelly with additional aniseed and fennel oil flavourings, covered in a layer of 45%-cacao dark chocolate
fundować, stawiać coś; zabezpieczać (np. przed rdzą)
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treat to
He treated me to a weekend at the spa. He treated the wall next to the window to prevent it from getting damp.

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