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Business English (version française)
Top 300 des adjectifs anglais
Top 500 des verbes anglais
Anglais en 1 jour
Les 1000 substantifs anglais les plus courants
Guide conversation anglais
Anglais: jour 2
Anglais en voyage
Top 100 phrasal verbs en anglais
Faux amis en anglais
Anglais A1
Anglais pour les enfants
Business English: Small talk (version française)
Collocations anglaises
Anglais A2
TOEFL - Les mots les plus importants
TOEFL - Verbes à particules
Business English - Présentations
TOEFL - Vocabulaire du campus universitaire
Vocabulaire de la cuisine en anglais
Business English: IT (version française)
Anglais des affaires - HR
Business English - HR
Use of English, Chapter6,7,8,9,10 fixed phrases
Use of English, Chapter6,7,8,9,10 fixed phrases
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trzymac sie na uboczu
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keep oneself to oneself
niezły bigos
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fine kettle of fish
zbic fortune
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make a killing
rzucic na kolana
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bring to one's knees
byc wtajemniczonym
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be in the know
trzymac kciuki
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keep one's fingers crossed
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pull sb's leg
zarabiac na utrzymaniu
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make one's living/ earn a living
spać jak kłoda
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sleep like a log
lwia czesc
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the lion's share
rozpoczac nowy rozdzial
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turn over a new leaf
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on the level
naskrobac pare slow
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drop sb a line
uzyc wszelkich mozliwych sposobow
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go to any lengths
ułatwiac zrozumienie
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shed light upon
commencer à apprendre
make light of
schowac glowe w piasek
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bury one's head in the sand
osiagnac swoj szczyt
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come to a head
wyjsc komus naprzeciw
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meet sb halfway
isc pod mlotek
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come under the hammer
wyluzowac sie
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let your hair down
zarabiac pieniadze w szybkim tempie
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make money hand over fist
trwonic pieniadze w szybkim tempie
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lose money hand over fist
dac komus wolna reke
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give sb a free hand
znac jak wlasna kieszen
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know sth off-hand
trzeba komus cos przyznac
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have to hand it to sb
trzymac w bezpiecznym miejscu
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keep out of harm's way
wyjsc z siebie
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fly off the handle
robic cos natychmiast/ochoczo
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do sth at the drop of a hat
nie moc sie polapac
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no to make head or tail of sth
robic postepy
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make headway
zaczerpnac odwage z
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take heart from sth
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make a hash of sth
calym sercem
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to one's heart's content
trafic w 10
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strike home/ hit home
po godzinach
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after hours
z zamiarem
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with a view to
wyrazic troske
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express concern about
byc dusza towarzystwa
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be the life and soul of
spotkac sie z porazka
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meet with failure
byc poddanym czemus
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come up for
nie moc odroznic
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can't tell the difference between
pragnienie sukcesu przewaza nad
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sb's desire for success outweigh
byc mniejszoscia
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be in the minority of
az do wczesnych godzin rannych
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until the small hours
byc szczegolowo analizowanym
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come under scrutiny
cierpiec porazke
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suffer defeat
ulec radykalnej zmianie
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undergo a complete change
zrobic uzytek z
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make use of
ulec czemus
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be subject to
pozostac cicho
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remain silent
wyrazic dezaabrobate co do
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express sb's disapproval of
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come as a shock to
przydarzyc sie komus
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occur to sb
przepadac za
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care much for
na mocy czegos
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on the strength of
nie ma ogroniczen jesli chodzi o ilosc bagazy
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be no restriction on the amount of luggage
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play down
nie rozumiec
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make absolutely no sense
czuć się nieszczęsliwym
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feel down in the mouth
pospieszyc sie
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get a move on
uczynić cud
commencer à apprendre
work a miracle
wyleciec z glowy
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slip one's mind
wkladac komus slowa w usta
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put words into one's mouth
kuc zelazo poki gorace
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make hay while the sun shines
plakac nad rozlanym mlekiem
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cry over spilt milk
dac komus zielone swiatlo
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give the green light to sth/sb
przejsc przez mysl
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cross one's mind
nocny marek
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a night owl
jednym slowem
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in a nutshell
pojsc spac wczesniej
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have an early night
byc najlepszym
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be second to none
trafic w sedno
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hit the nail on the head
stracic odwage
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lose one's nerve
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null and void
zagladac we wszystkie zakamarki
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every nook and cranny
zyskac reputacje
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make a name FOR oneself
dzialac komus na nerwy
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get on one's nerves
uciec, zwiac
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make sb gateway through
wytypowac czyjes imie
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put sb name forward as
snuc bez celu
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go nothing but moon about
nie moc na kogos liczyc
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can't depend/rely/count on
byc powodem
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be the point of
byc podatnym na
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be prone to
w nadmiarze
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in excess of
nie przyjac czegos
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not to have accepted something
ma wiecej glebi
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have greater depths to
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judge by
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give sb someone's assurance
Jak wyjasnil
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What explanation did he give for
nie miec najmniejszego pojecia
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have not the remotest idea
miec pretensje do, oburzac siee
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mylic kogos z
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confuse sb with
nie wspominac o
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make no mention of
od niepamietnych czasow
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from time immemorial/ since time immemorial
przejąć pałeczkę
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take the initiative
przelac czare goryczy
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add insult to injury
wkraść się w coś, zawładnąć czyms
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make inroads into
praktycznie, w rezultacie
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to all intents and purposes
w interesie
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in the interests of
w miedzyczasie
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in the interim
nie zgadzac sie z
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take issue with
nie moc usiedziec na miejscu
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have itchy feet/ get itchy feet
byc w niebezpieczenstwie
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be in jeopardy
w sekundzie, za momencik
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in a jiffy
wysilac umysl
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jog one's memomory
skakac z radosci
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jump for joy
wstrzymac sie z opinia
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reserve judgement on sb/sth
oddac komus sprawiedliwosc
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do sb/sth justice
pozorna sprawiedliwosc
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rough justice
byc w stanie rownowagi
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be on an even keel
na ostrzu noża
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on a knife-edge
wprawic w zachwyt
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knock sb dead
znalezc sie w klopotliwym polozeniu
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tie oneself in knots
pewny czegos
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safe in the knowledge
byc zobowiazanym do
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be indebted to
calkowita wyprzedaz
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a complete sell-out
byc zdeterminowanym
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put your mind to
Byłam kompletnie zaskoczona
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I was completely taken aback by surprise
nic sie nie moza rownac
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There's nothing to match tea
nie bylo szansy na to
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There was no way for it
pomimo wszystkich przeciwnosci
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against all odds
byc wyrzuconym z pracy
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get the sack
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in the offing
symbol statusu spolecznego
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status symbol
raz na zawsze
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once and for all
cos niechcianego
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white elephant
krotki ale przyjemny
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short and sweet
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out in the open
zlota okazja
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golden opportunity
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out and out
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in public
zle zrozumiec
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get the wrong end of the stick
urzadzic przyjecie
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throw a party
rozebrac na czesci
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take things to pieces
dawac lapowke
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grease sb's palm
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out of print
miec za soba najlepsze lata
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past one's prime
przejsc do rzeczy
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come to the point
stracic forme
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be out of practice
nie na temat
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off the point
oswiadczyc sie
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pop the question
byc nieodlaczna czescia czegos
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part and parcel of
z deszczu pod rynne
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out of the frying pan into the fire
gorzka pigulka do przelkniecia
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a bitter pill to swallow
ukladac sie w logiczna calosc
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fall into place
wyladowac frustracje
commencer à apprendre
vent my frustrations
obszerne sprawozdanie z
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extensive coverage of
obrzucac kogos czyms
commencer à apprendre
pelt sb with
przypisac cos czemus
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attribute sth to sth
objawiac sie
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the onset of
ujawniac za
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expose as
wyrosnac z czegos
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grow out of
stopa bezrobocia
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the level of unemployment
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allow for something/ include
byc dluznym za
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to be in debt to
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byc przyczyna
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be the cause of
potrzebowac wsparcia
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need the backing of
byc pelnym pochwaly
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be full of praise
wejsc w
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be in force/ come in force
robic postepy
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make much progress with
ogolnie rzecz biorac
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by and large
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larger than life/ exaggerated
resztkami sily
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on its last legs
commencer à apprendre
lay it on thick
powalic kogos (o chorobie)
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lay sb low
poprawic sie w szybkim tempie
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improve by leaps and bounds/ improve in leaps and bounds
robic cos bardzo dokladnie
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do sth at length
byc poslusznym co do joty
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follow to the letter/ obey to the letter
dostosowac cos do czegos
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bring into line with
mowic czemus stop
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draw the line
nastawiac karku/ ryzykowac
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put sth on the line
nie docierac do kogos
commencer à apprendre
be lost on sb
za zadne skarby swiata
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not for love not money
czy sie komus podoba czy nie
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like it or lump it
opuscic w potrzebie
commencer à apprendre
leave sb in the lurch
zastepowac kogos
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stand in for sb
powszechnie wiadomo
commencer à apprendre
it is common knowledge that
o ile mi wiadomo
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the best of my knowledge
sa bardziej przeszkoda niz
commencer à apprendre
be more of a hindrance than
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nie ma popytu
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be no market for
wyrazic sprzeciw
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express sb disapproval of/ express sb oposition to
nienawisc wobec
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the hatred for
commencer à apprendre
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pass away
byc niedoprzebicia
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be unbeatable
najlepiej byc ostroznym
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It is best to be careful
rzadko sie zdarza
commencer à apprendre
it is rare for sb to
miec malo pieniedzy
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be short of money
probowac poraz kolejny
commencer à apprendre
make another attempt to
zadowalac sie czyms
commencer à apprendre
make do with sth
odprawic kogos
commencer à apprendre
give sb their marching orders
spotkac rownego sobie
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meet one's match
miec dobre intencje
commencer à apprendre
mean well
zyc ponad stan
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living beyond one's means
powracac do zdrowia
commencer à apprendre
on the mend
poprawic sie
commencer à apprendre
mend one's way
delikatnie mowiac
commencer à apprendre
to put it mildly
byc nieobecnym duchem
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miles away
idealny stan
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mint condition
odpuscic sobie, zrezygnowac
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give sth a miss
nie wydac pieniedzy na darmo
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sb gets their money's worth
podawac nazwisko(w sledztwie)
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name names
tylko to sie liczy
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name of the game
przychodzic z łatwoscia
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come naturally to sb
czyjas rodzina
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nearest and dearest
nadstawiac karku
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risk one's neck
trafic w czuly punkt
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touch a nerve
odlozone pieniadze na konkretny cel
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nest egg
uniknac bycia zlapanym przez system
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slip through the net
wiedziec nic wiecej niz wczesniej
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none the wiser
wtykac nos w
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poke one's nose into sth
zrezygnowac (z pracy)
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hand in one's notice/ give in one's notice
trzymac cos w tajemnicy
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keep sth quiet
z bliskiej odległosci
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at close quarters
dotknac kogos do zywego/ bardzo kogos zranic
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cut sb to the quick
po cichu
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on the quiet
odchodzic/ uwazac sprawe za zakonczona/ rzucac
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call it quits
poza dyskusja
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out of the question
pozostawic sprawe otwarta
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open to debate
pociagnac za soba pytanie
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sth begs the question
miec dylemat
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be in a quandary
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an unkown quantity
wprowadzic w zycie
commencer à apprendre
put in force
bylo wielkie rozradowanie
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There was much jubilation
zasiadac na tronie
commencer à apprendre
be on the throne
bardzo komus kogos przypominac
commencer à apprendre
bear a close resemblance to
byc nikim innym jak
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be nothing other than
posunac sie tylko do czegos jesli
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This is as far as I'm going until/ I'm not going any further till
nie mozesz winic nikogo innego jak siebie za
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You have no one but yourself to blame for
z rzedu/ jeden po drugim
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in a row
poprawa stanu zdrowia
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improvement in sb's condition
z wielka niechecia
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with reluctance
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kłocic sie
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have a row with
ku wielkiemu zaskoczeniu
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much to our surprise
pod zadnym pozorem
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on no account
to sie okaze
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It remains to be seen
nie otrzymac wiecej zapomog
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receive no further government subsidy/funding/ support
byc na krotkiej liscie kandydatow do czegos
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be on shortlist for the position
byc zawstydzonym
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be shamefaced at
byc zrodlem zazenowania/wstydu
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be a source of embarrassment
wpasc w szal
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hit the roof
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work to rule
lamac sobie glowe
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rack your brains
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off the record
(popasc) w rutyne
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in A rut
na dlusza mete
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in the long run
rozumie sie samo przez sie
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it stands to reason
w ostatecznosci
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as a last resort
zapuszczac korzenie
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put down roots
znac sie na rzeczy
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know the ropes
jechać na tym samym wózku/ byc w tej samej sytuacji
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be in the same boat
za kulisami/ w sekrecie
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behind the scenes
mieć mętlik w głowie
commencer à apprendre
be all at sea
o mały włos/ niewiele brakowało
commencer à apprendre
be/ have A close shave
być w czyjeś skórze
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be in sb's shoes
isc za grosze
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go for a song
wyczuć cos złego
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smell a rat
byc przemoczonym do suchej nitki
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be/ get soaked to the skin
zyc na walizkach
commencer à apprendre
live but of a suitcase
wziac sie w garsc
commencer à apprendre
pull one's socks up
(zyc) od pierwszego do pierwszego
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on a shoe-string
podchodzic do czegos z przymruzeniem oka
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take sth with a pinch of salt
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cos widac naprawde
commencer à apprendre
Did it show that?
zrobić niezłą scene
commencer à apprendre
make quite a scene
stac sie bardziej otwartym
commencer à apprendre
come out of sb's shell
przespac sie z czyms
commencer à apprendre
sleep on sth
kropla przepełniająca miarę
commencer à apprendre
be the last straw
zwiac komus
commencer à apprendre
give sb the slip
byc do kogos podobnym
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be the splitting image of/ a chip off the old block
miec wybiorcza pamiec/ pamiec jak sito
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get a memory like a sieve
stac komus na drodze
commencer à apprendre
stand in sb's way
byc ryzykowna proba/loteria
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be a long shot as
pociagac za sznurki/ ulegac wplywom
commencer à apprendre
pull a few strings
isc do łozka
commencer à apprendre
hit the sack
wyjawic sekret
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spill the beans
miec okazje zeby cos zrobic
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have occasion to do sth
stanac na wysokosci zadania
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risk to the occasion
kropla w morzu
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a drop in the ocean
na wszelki wypadek/ na zapas
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on the offchance
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every so often
byc nie do przyjecia
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not on
bardzo/ az za bardzo
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only too
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opt out
w porzadku
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in good order
zrobiony na zamowienie
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made to order
od samego poczatku
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at/ from the outset
ponad/ w dodatku
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over and above
czyjas kolej (w mowieniu)
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over to
przeginac/ przesadzac
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go overboard
przelewajacy sie
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to overflowing
przekraczas granice
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overstep the mark
przyznac sie do zrobienia czegos
commencer à apprendre
own up
odegrac sie
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get your own back
Nie bedzie w stanie sie stawic na spotkanie
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She will have to cancel her appointment/ She will not be able to keep her appointment
to nie do wiary
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It's beyond belief
miec dobra znajomosc
commencer à apprendre
have a good command of
nie ma prawie dnia zeby
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Scarcely a day goes by without
przedluzajaca nieobecnosc
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prolonged absence
czysty cud
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Nothing short of a miracle
zrzec sie odpowiedzialnosci
commencer à apprendre
disclaim all responsibility for
nie było znaku/sladu
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There was still no sign of
byc rozpuszczalnym w
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be soluble in
miec dosc
commencer à apprendre
have enough of
nikt nie miec wspolczuc
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No one have any sympathy for
zwalic wine na
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put the blame on
obslugiwac przyjecia
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z zalem
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with regret
za pomoca
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by means of
nie mniej niz
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no fewer than
wyperswadowac komus cos
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talk sb out of
nie ma takiego transportu ktorego nie lubie bardziej
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There is no form of transport I like less than
z drobnym ustawieniem
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with a slight adjustment
dzwonic jeden raz za drugim do
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make call after call to
mniej niz zazwyczaj
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less than usual
jak tylko
commencer à apprendre
only after
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