UNIT 8 Idioms

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a stone's throw (away/from)
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Where we live is only a stone's throw from the park.
as the crow flies
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It's about 200 miles as the crow flies.
follow your nose
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Once you go past the traffic lights, just follow your nose.
in the middle of nowhere
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The car broke down and we realised we were in the middle of nowhere.
lose your bearings
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I lost my bearings for a moment, but then realised where I was.
make a beeline for
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As soon aswe arrived at the hotel, Molly made a beeline for the manager to complain.
off the beaten track
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We like to get off the beaten track when we go on holiday.
stop dead in your tracks
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When I heard the gunshot, I stoopped dead in my tracks.
take a short cut to
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I walked to school and I used to take a short cut along the canal.
take the scenic route
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We're not lost - we're just taking the scienic route.

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