Unit 5 dialog

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question réponse
Yes, of course.
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Tak, oczywiście.
What are you doing?
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Co robisz?
raise the money
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zebrać pieniądze
I'm borrowing this bike.
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Pożyczam ten rower.
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This bike is faster.
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Ten rower jest szybszy.
to need to do something
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potrzebować coś zrobić
It's quicker.
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To szybciej.
go across
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What a disaster!
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Co za katastrofa!
Can you fix it?
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Możesz to naprawić?
20 km is a long way.
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20 km to długa droga.
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Popisujesz się.
I don't think so.
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Myślę, że nie. Raczej nie.
That's great!
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To świetnie!
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difficult Anglais
bad/worse/the worst
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źle / gorzej / najgorsze
good/better/the best
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dobry lepszy najlepszy
far/further/the furthest
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daleko / dalej / najdalej
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śmieszne(zabawne) / zabawniejsze
nice /nicer
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ładne / ładniejsze
big / bigger
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duży / większy
long / longer
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długi / dłuższy

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