Unit 43 Missing words - "a scrap of"

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question réponse
świstek papieru
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scrap of paper
dom szeregowy
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a terraced house/a row house
wypić łyk
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have a sip
promień światła
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beam of light
kropla deszczu
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a drop of rain
kondygnacja schodów
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a flight of stairs
odrobina, muśnięcie
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a dab of (blue)
zaciągnięcie się
commencer à apprendre
pukiel włosów
commencer à apprendre
lock of hair
szczypta soli
commencer à apprendre
a pinch of salt
smuga dymu
commencer à apprendre
a wisp of smoke
pełna łyżka
commencer à apprendre
odrobina energii
commencer à apprendre
an ounce of energy

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