Unit 42/2

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question réponse
Ją obchodzą tylko sprawy które jej bezpośrednio dotyczą
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She only cares about this that concern her personality
mozna zauważyć rosnąca troskę o
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can be seen growing concern about the / One can observe rising concern about
niepokój, troska
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anxiety, concern
rozsądne wyjaśnienie
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reasonable explanation
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wciąż czynny malarz
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still an active painter
formy pytające
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interrogative forms
szybki numerek
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action, quickie
skończyć całkowicie
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finish off / end completely
skończyc z kimś
morderca skończyl z nim
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finisf sb off
the murder finished him off
pomijać, opuszczać
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omitted, leaving
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pochodzenie etniczne
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pierwotna oryginalna przyczyna
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original primary cause
nie mozesz przyjśc bez zaproszenia
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you can not come without an invitation
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fałszywe banknoty
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fake / counterfeit banknotes
pokaz, wystawa
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display, show, exhibition
sztaluga malarska
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easel painting
film w plenerze
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movie outdoors / film on location on
marmur, marmurowy
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marble, marble
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opera, opera hause
witraż, rozeta
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stained glass, rosette, rose window
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wykidajło, bramkarz w klubie
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bouncer, bouncer at a club
wolny od oplat
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free of charges
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headphones, headset
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rink, ice-rink
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skating, ice-skating
areszt, uwięzienie
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arrest, imprisonment
areszt, więzienie
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arrest, jail
sprawiedliwość, sprawiedliwy
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justice, fair, just
czołowy, wiodący, przewodni
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leading, leading, leading
gwałt, akt przemocy
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rape, an act of violence, outrage
oburzenie, skandal
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outrage, scandal
toaleta dla gości
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guest toilet, rest room
obecnie, w tych dniach
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currently, these days
teraz, obecnie
On jest obecnie w Nowym Yorku
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presently, now
He is presently in N.Y.
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Light Blue, ice-blue
Jestem spóżniony.
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I'm belated.
to ja lecę
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I'm off. I'm going
Jestem ciekawa gdzie jest Bill?
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I'm wonder where bill is?

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