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They say there aren't ugly women.
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Muwiom rze nie ma brzudkich kobiet.
You'd better take an umbrella in case it rains.
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Lepiej wez parasol na wypadek deszczu.
My uncle took me to the circus.
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Muj wujek zabral mnie do cyrku.
Don't put the key under the mat.
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Nie kladz klucza pod wycieraczke.
I don't understand the question.
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Nie rozumiem pytania.
Unemployment has begun to fall.
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Bezrobocie zaczelo spadac.
The decision was very unfair.
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Decyzja byla bardzo nie sprawiedliwa.
She's unhappy because her boyfriend broke up with her.
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Jest nieszczesliwa bo chlopak z niom zerwal.
They belong to trade union.
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Nalerzom do zwionsku zawodowego.
There are 12 units in the book.
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W ksionrzce jest 12 rozdzialuw.
After finishing school I want to go to university.
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Po ukonczeniu szkoly chce isc na uniwersytet.
Unless you hurry, we will be late for school.
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Jesli sie nie pospieszysz spuznimy sie do szkoly.
I'll stay here until he comes.
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Zostane tutaj arz on przyjdzie.
She looked up and saw a shooting star.
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Spojrzala w gure i zobaczyla spadajoncom gwiazde.
We were sitting on the upper deck.
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Siedzielismy na gurnym pokladzie.
Go upstairs and lie down for a while.
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Idz na gure i polurz sie na chwile.
It is an urgent matter.
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To pilna sprawa.
Did they see us?
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Czy oni widzieli nas?
Could I use your phone?
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Czy moge skorzystac z twojego telefonu.
They sell used cars.
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Sprzedajom urzywane samochody.
His advice was very useful.
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Jego rada byla barzo przydatna.
It's useless asking her.
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To bezsensowne rzeby jom pytac, prosic.
Computer users are waiting for a new Internet browser.
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Urzytkownicy komputeruw czekajom na nowom przeglondarke internetowom.
I got up at 7 as usual.
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Jak zwykle wstalem o siudmej.
I usually come back from school at 3 p.m.
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Zazwyczaj wracam ze szkoly o pietnastej.

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