Transformations 1

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question English réponse English
He was dismissed because he was inefficient. LOST
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He lost his job because of his inefficiency.
Jerry feels his colleagues despise him for not having a degree. LOOK
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Jerry feels his colleagues look down on him for not having a degree.
Only Martha survived the crash. SOLE
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Marta was the sole survivor of the crash.
If you give in to them, you'll be sorry. STAND
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If you don't stand up to them, you'll be sorry.
Jack's teacher says he's particularly good at languages. FLAIR
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Jack's teacher says that he has got a flair for languages.
People often make that mistake in the beginning. COMMON
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It is common for people to make this mistake in the beginning.
The majority of their clientele is made up of local people. COMPRISE
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Local people comprise the majority of their clientele.
The politician tried people who were willing to back his campaign to help the homeless. DRUM
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The politician tried to drum up support for his campaign to help the homeless.
Karen's bad mood is totally unconnected with the matter in hand. BEARING
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The matter in hand has no bearing on Karen's bad mood.
Further confusion was caused by the loss of the map. LED
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The loss of the map less to further confusion.
The custom dates back to mediaeval times. ROOTS
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The rootsof the custom date back to mediaeval times.
It's difficult to imagine his work being improved on by anyone. BETTERING
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It's difficult to imagine someone bettering his work.
To this day no one has equalled his achievements in the field of technology. UNSURPASSED
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To this day his achievements have been unsurpassed in the field of technology.
Their rivals are still a long way behind. STREETS
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They are streets ahead of their rivals.
Nobody spoke when the teacher asked who the culprit was. REMAINED
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Everyone remained silent when the teacher asked who the culprit was.
Would you please send me your response as soon as possible? GRATEFUL
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I would be grateful if you send me your response as soon as possible.
The reason for his resignation is still not known. CAUSED
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We still don't know what caused him to resign.
This essay shows a slight improvement on the last. MARGINALLY
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This essay is marginally better than the last.
Susie couldn't stop crying when her pet rabbit died. FLOODS
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Susie was in floods of tears when her pet rabbit died.
He specifically stressed the need for absolute honesty. EMPHASIS
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He put particular emphasis on the need for absolute honesty.
I couldn't work out what he was trying to say, could you? DRIVING
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I couldn't work out what he was driving at, could you?
She realised immediately that his story was made up. THROUGH
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She immediately saw through his story.
There is a considerable number of choices on offer in this brochure. ARRAY
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The brochure offers a wide array of choices.
She is well known for her vast knowledge of Renaissance painting. AUTHORITY
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She is an authority on Renaissance painting.
I don; t thing I'll ever be able to buy my own house. DESPAIR
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I despair of ever beaing able to buy my own house.
The members of the government have failed to agree on the new budget. REACHED
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The members of the government haven't reached the agreement on the new budget.
We liked the new teacher right away. TOOK
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Wee took to the new teacher right away.
The novel didn't come up to my expectations. SHORT
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The novel fell short of my expectations.
Zoe always makes spontaneous decisions concerning her travel plans. ACTS
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Zoe always acts on impulse concerning her travel plans.
Jim knew he would have to go on the business trip at a moment's notice. POISED
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Jim was poised to go on the business trip at a moment's notice.
His latest theory is in complete opposition to mainstream thinking. FLIES
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His latest theory flies in the face of mainstream thinking.
His interpretation of the novel was too far complex for me to grasp, I'm afraid. HEAD
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His interpretation of the novel went over my head, I'm afraid.
Julie always listens to my complaints about work. EAR
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Julie always lends an ear to my complaints about work.
I wish you would come straight to the point if you have something to say. BEAT
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I wish you wouldn't beat around the bush if you have something to say.
Thankfully she wasn't hurt at all in the accident. EMERGED
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She emerged unhurt from the accident.
The waiters in the new restaurant were very inefficient. SHODDY
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We received shoddy service from the waiters in the new restaurant.
My grandmother is extremely proud that she can remember all her grandchildren's birthdays. PRIDES
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My grandmother prides herself on remembering all her grandchildren's birthdays.
I couldn't face telling her what I heard. BRING
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I couldn't bring myself to tell her what I'd heard.
She lost all self-control when she found out what he'd done. CONTAIN
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She couldn't contain herself when she found out what he'd done.

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