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Czy byłeś kiedyś w Indiach? commencer à apprendre
Have you ever been TO India?
Nigdy nie byłem w Chinach. commencer à apprendre
I have never been to China.
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To są moje rzeczy, nie dotykaj tego. commencer à apprendre
This is my stuff, don't touch it
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rozmowa kwalifikacyjna / rozmowa o pracę commencer à apprendre
Cindy is very good AT spelling. commencer à apprendre
Cindy is very good at spelling.
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to participate IN sth / to take part IN sth
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w powszednie dni tygodnia commencer à apprendre
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On musi być szczęśliwy, że może na tobie polegać. commencer à apprendre
He must be glad / happy he can rely on you.
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Cindy studied for 10 hours at the weekend just before the competition
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to complain ABOUT sth / sb
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