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I don't know that she will come
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Darek will see you right away
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Gracias por venir tan rapido commencer à apprendre
Thanks for coming so fast
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no sé si guardamos una información commencer à apprendre
I don't know if we keep any information
no obstante, me enseña la orden? la orden judicial commencer à apprendre
however,? will you show me the order? the court order
la intimidad de los pacientes commencer à apprendre
Oiga, nadie intenta conocer ningún secreto commencer à apprendre
Hey, nobody tries to know any secrets
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to investigate / find out
otras formas de averiguar la verdad commencer à apprendre
other ways to find out the truth
en este caso, por desgracia no commencer à apprendre
in this case, unfortunately not
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¿puedes traerme una taza? commencer à apprendre
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I will gladly give it to you
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no ha querido darme coffee commencer à apprendre
he did not want to give me coffee
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La cama y el baño deben ser fáciles de acceder. commencer à apprendre
The bed and bathroom should be easy to access.
Se puede acceder al lugar caminando, en bicicleta o automotor. commencer à apprendre
The place can be accessed on foot, by bicycle or by car.
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acabo de recibir un llamada commencer à apprendre
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they won't give us dinner
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no puedes pasarte la vida huyendo commencer à apprendre
you can't spend your life running away
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there are still ten minutes
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I have a date with someone
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solo conseguiras cansarste commencer à apprendre
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I'm not saying it doesn't smell bad
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arreglar este desastre me llevaré horas commencer à apprendre
fixing this mess will take hours
seguro que valdrá la pena? commencer à apprendre
sure will it be worth it?
alguien la ha encontrado antes que nosotros commencer à apprendre
someone has found it before us
dejad todo lo que tengáis entre manos commencer à apprendre
leave everything you have in your hands
Salgo ahora mismo para Barcelona. Un caso urgente commencer à apprendre
I'm leaving right now for Barcelona. An urgent case
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te digo algo por mañana cuando lleguemos commencer à apprendre
I tell you something for tomorrow when we arrive
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Crei que no volveria verte commencer à apprendre
I thought I would never see you again
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no he sido lo suficientemente clara? commencer à apprendre
I have not been clear enough?
no tenemos nada más que hablar commencer à apprendre
we have nothing more to talk about
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si mi mujer se entera, estoy en un lio commencer à apprendre
If my wife finds out, I'm in trouble
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I have not done anything wrong
no se como tu mujer sigue contigo commencer à apprendre
I don't know how your wife is still with you
no quiso darme su número, no me dijo que hacia ni nada commencer à apprendre
He did not want to give me his number, he did not tell me what he was doing or anything
ni siquiera me dijo su nombre. commencer à apprendre
He didn't even tell me his name.
yo jamás haría una cosa asi commencer à apprendre
I would never do something like that
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