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vertex (pl. vertixes/vertices) commencer à apprendre
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kąty dopełniające (do 90º)
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kąty dopelniajace (do 180º)
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alternate interior/exterior angles commencer à apprendre
naprzemianległe kąty wewnętrzne/zewnętrzne
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regular / non-regular polygon commencer à apprendre
wielokąt foremny, wielokąt nieforemny
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przecinający się/ krzyżujący się
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krzyżować się/przecinać się
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nought point three/point three/zero point three commencer à apprendre
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x squared/x to the second power/x to the power of two commencer à apprendre
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x to the power (of) n/x to the n commencer à apprendre
x to the power (of) n minus one/x to the n minus one commencer à apprendre
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pierwiastek trzeciego stopnia z x
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pierwiastek piątego stopnia z x
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pierwiastek n stopnia z x
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is greater than or equal to commencer à apprendre
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jest zaokrąglony z jednego końca
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jest zaostrzone na jednym końcu
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execute, do (dokonywać, robić)
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prezentować, przedstawiać
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wykonywać połączenie, potocz. dzwonić do kogoś
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wysyłać wiadomości tekstowe
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keep, save (przechowywać, magazynować, zbierać, składować dane, informacje)
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dotrzeć do informacji, dostęp do danych
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przeprowadzać, wykonywać, dokonywać transakcje, operacje
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enter a PIN (personal identification number) commencer à apprendre
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show informations, wyświetlać informacje, dane
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sign up for (zapisać się)
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program used for text manipulation (zaawansowany edytor tekstu)
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connected to the Internet
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copy files from a server to your PC or mobile
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integrated (zintegrowany, wbudowany)
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describes information that is recorded or broadcast using computers (cyfrowy)
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collection of facts or figures [dane (w systemach zarządzania bazą danych, plik danych przechowujący informacje bazy danych)]
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dokończyć, dopełnić, sfinalizować, ukończyć, uzupełniać ćwiczenia (np. online)
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płyty CD, DVD, oprogramowanie
CPU (central processing unit) commencer à apprendre
the brain of the computer
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external broadband modem or router commencer à apprendre
zewnętrzny szerokopasmowy modem lub ruter
software (programs, e.g. graphics package, web browser) commencer à apprendre
programs which can be used on a particular computer system/set of instructions, called a program, which tells computer what to do
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input devices attached to the CPU/physical units attached to the computer
main memory (a collection of RAM chips) commencer à apprendre
section that holds programs and data while they are executed or processed
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magnetic device used to store information
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physical parts that make up a computer system/any electronic or mechanical part you can see or touch
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the information which is presented to the computer
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sockets into which an external devices may be connected
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results produced by a computer
PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) commencer à apprendre
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komputer typu mainframe (duży komputer dla aplikacji komercyjnych i procesów przetwarzania danych dużej skali)
three basic hardware sections: commencer à apprendre
CPU, main memory and peripherals
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storage devices, input/output devices
storage devices/media (magnetic - hard drives, optical - DVD commencer à apprendre
provide a permanent storage of both data and programs
drives or flash drives/memory - pendrive) commencer à apprendre
are used to read and write data on disks
input devices (mouse, keyboard, camera) commencer à apprendre
enable data to go into the computer's memory
output devices (monitor, printer) commencer à apprendre
enable us to extract the finished product from the system
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expenses (e.g. payroll, services publicity) commencer à apprendre
income (e.g. sales, stocks, interest) commencer à apprendre
... are classified into X types/categories commencer à apprendre
... są sklasyfikowane w X kategoriach
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... są sklasyfikowane przez/wg...
... can be divided into X types/categories commencer à apprendre
... może być podzielony na X typów/kategorii
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... składa się z.../... zawiera...
There are X types/classes of... commencer à apprendre
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all computers have the same capabilities
client-server (e.g. the Internet) commencer à apprendre
servers store and distribute data, and clients access this data
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executes program instructions and coordinates the activities that take place within the Computer system
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a smali piece of Silicon with a complex electrical circuit called an integrated circuit
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the processor consists of three main parts: commencer à apprendre
control unit, arithmetic logie unit (ALU), registers
control unit (what it is) commencer à apprendre
control unit (what it does) commencer à apprendre
examines the instructions in the user's program, interprets each instruction and causes the circuits and the rest of the components - monitor, disk drives - to execute the functions specified_
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jednostka arytmetyczno-logiczna; ALU (część komputera wykonująca wszystkie arytmetyczne obliczenia oraz wszystkie operacje porównywania)
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performs mathematical calculations (+,-, etc.) and logical operations (AND, OR, NOT)
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high speed units, rejestry zewnętrzne
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high speed units of memory used to storę and control data.
system clock (what it is) commencer à apprendre
system clock (what it does) commencer à apprendre
sends out signals fixed intervals to measure and synchronize the flow of data
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częstotliwość zegara (prędkość z jaką mikroprocesor wykonuje instrukcje i synchronizuje wszystkie elementy komputera)
RAM (random access memory) commencer à apprendre
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is volatile (nietrwała) - that is, its information is lost when the Computer is turned off
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is non-volatile (nieulotna), containing instructions and routines for the basie operations of the CPU
BIOS (basie input/output system) commencer à apprendre
podstawowy system wejścia-wyjścia; system BIOS
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uses ROM to control communication with peripherals
RAM capacity (możliwości) commencer à apprendre
can be expanded by adding extra chips, usually contained in smali circuit boards called DIMMs
DIMMs (dual in-line memory modules) commencer à apprendre
moduł pamięci DIMM (rodzaj pamięci RAM, w którym układy pamięci są rozmieszczone po obydwu stronach cienkiej karty umieszczanej w specjalnym gnieździe)
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the main circuit board inside your system (płyta główna)
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the processor, the memory chips, expansions slots, and controllers for peripherals, connected by buses
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electrical channels which allow devices inside the Computer to communicate with each other (magistrale, szyny)
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the size of a bus; determines how much data can be transmitted
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gniazdo rozszerzeń, port rozszerzeń, slot rozszerzeń
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allow users to install expansion cards, adding features like sound, memory and network capabilities
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karta rozszerzająca; karta dodatkowa (karta powiększająca możliwości istniejącego sprzętu)
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code made of just two number - 0 and 1; computers do all calculations using this code
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eight-digit code that typically represent characters (letter, number and symbol)
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchangę) commencer à apprendre
computers use this code for the binary representation of characters
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Greeting and offering help: commencer à apprendre
Good morning. Do you need ANY help?
Giving technical specifications (spees): commencer à apprendre
The MacBook has a processor RUNNING AT 2.0 gigahertz. The iMac HAS two gigabytes of RAM. They features a camera BUILT INTO THE DISPLAY.
commencer à apprendre
Both computers are very fast and reliable.
commencer à apprendre
The MacBook IS MORE PRACTICAL if you travel a lot. PDAs are cheaper than laptops but laptops are more powerful.
Explaining what you are looking for: commencer à apprendre
We're looking for a persona 1 Computer. Have you got any fairly basie ones?
Asking fortechnical specs: commencer à apprendre
WHATS the storage capacity of the hard drive? Do they have a DVD drive?
commencer à apprendre
How MUCH DO they COST? How MUCH IS it?
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the logarithm of c to the base b is equal to n commencer à apprendre
logarytm o podstawie b z c równa się n
natural logarithm of c (lnc) commencer à apprendre
the logarithm of two equals zero point three zero one commencer à apprendre
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znacznie większe niż (>>)
the absolute value of -3 is 3 commencer à apprendre
wartość bezwzględna z -3 równa się 3
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Sales increased/grew/rose/declined/fell commencer à apprendre
BY 25% / FROM 200 to 250.
There was an increase/a growth/a rise/a decline/a fall commencer à apprendre
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ważny; znaczący; istotny; znaczny
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lekki, niewielki; nieznaczący; drobny
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DOWNWARD MOVEMENT ("spadek/spadać"): commencer à apprendre
decline, decrease, drop, fall, slide, lose ground, crash, collapse, plummet, plunge, take a fall, weaken (osłabić się)
UPWARD MOVEMENT ("wzrost/wzrastać") commencer à apprendre
climb, rise, increase, surge, rocket, soar, gain, go through the roof, jump, rally, strengthen
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flatten out, hold steady, level off, stabilise, bounce back, rally, recore
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znacznie; znacząco; w sposób istotny; istotnie