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Nie chwal dnia przed zachodem słońca commencer à apprendre
Don't count your boobies until they are hatched.
from the other point of view commencer à apprendre
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bogeyman, phantom, gremlin:) commencer à apprendre
difficult, uncooperative, awkward commencer à apprendre
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we hire this person to keep our house commencer à apprendre
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economically disadvantaged
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passing away, terminal episode
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przeciwieństwo: constipation
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snobbish, hotty, arrogant, greedy commencer à apprendre
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sb who catches animals illegally commencer à apprendre
unfriendly, seeing himself better than others commencer à apprendre
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showing unreasonable dislike for sth or someone commencer à apprendre
unable to express feeling or ideas clearly commencer à apprendre
too confident and too determined to tell other people what to do commencer à apprendre
shy and nervous, easy frightened commencer à apprendre
make changes to sth which you should not commencer à apprendre
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a symbol of particular person or subject commencer à apprendre
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the talk of the town (collocation)
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alternative entertainment
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ramówka, zapowiedź nowego programu commencer à apprendre
odrzucenie, cause a violent feeling of dislike commencer à apprendre
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finding a forgotten information, sth old commencer à apprendre
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become the most popular in its time commencer à apprendre
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forced to do sth you don't want to do commencer à apprendre
happy that sth unpleasant has ended commencer à apprendre
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not wanting or not able to believe sth commencer à apprendre
feeling or showing sadness commencer à apprendre
feeling worried about sth you are going to do, pełen obaw commencer à apprendre
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to not be loyal to a person commencer à apprendre
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zmieszany, zdezorientowany, confused commencer à apprendre
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display a contempt, okazywac brak szacunku
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vertically challenged person
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healthcare delivery professional
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the economically disadvanged
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