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May I see your passport?
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Czy moge zobaczyc twuj paszport.
She often thinks about the past.
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Ona czesto mysli o przeszlosci.
This path leads to the river.
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Ta scieszka prowadzi do rzeki.
He's very patient with children.
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On jest bardzo cierpliwy z dziecmi.
I like the pattern on your dress.
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Podoba mi sie wzur na twojej sukience.
I have to pay my electricity bill.
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Musze zaplacic rachunek za elektrycznosc, prond.
They require payment in advance.
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Wymagajom zaplaty z gury.
They made peace.
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Zawarli pokuj.
Sue filled her pen with ink.
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Sue napelnila piuro atramentem.
Write the answers in pencil.
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Wpisz odpowiedzi oluwkiem.
I need 50 pens.
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Potrzebuje 50 pensuw.
A lot of people come here.
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Wielu ludzi tu przychodzi.
It costs 10 dollars per person.
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To kosztuje 10 dolaruw na osobe.
20 procent of the students failed the test.
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20 procent studentuw nie zdalo egzaminu, testu.
Nobody is perfect.
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Nikt nie jest doskonaly.
The operation was performed by doctor Jones.
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Operacje byla wykonana przez doktora Jones.
The performance lasts two hours.
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Przedstawienie trwa dwie godziny.
Perhaps I'm wrong.
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Byc morze sie myle.
The crisis may last for a long period of time.
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Kryzys morze potrwac dlugi okres czasu.
I'm happy because I have a permanent job.
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Jestem szczensliwy poniewarz mam stalom prace.
Do I have to ask permission?
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Czy ja musze prosic o pozwolenie?
Her parents won't permit her to travel alone.
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Rodzice nie pozwolom jej podrurzowac samej.
You're the right person for the job.
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Jestes odpowiedniom osobom do tej pracy.
We don't reveal personal information.
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Nie ujawniamy osobistych informacji.
I persuaded him not to go out.
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Przekonalem go by nie wychodzil.
Do you have any pets?
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Czy masz jakies zwierzenta domowe?
Soon we will contact with you by phone.
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Wkrutce skontaktujemy sie z tobom przez telefon.
Susan took a photograph of the mountains.
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Susan zrobila zdjencie gur.
Photography is Peter's greatest hobby.
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Fotografia to Petera najwieksze hobbi.
I don't understand this pharse.
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Nie rozumiem tego wyrarzenia.
It's not a physical pain.
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To nie jest fizyczny bul.
My five-year-old daughter can play the piano.
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Moja piecioletnia curka umie grac na pianinie, fortepianie.
I picked the green shirt.
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Wybralem zielonom koszule
What can you see in the picture?
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Co morzesz zobaczyc na obrazku?
We had pie for dessert.
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My zjedlismy, mielismy castko na deser.
The vase broke into pieces.
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Wazon rozbil sie na kawalki.
The pilot is very handsome.
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Pilot jest bardzo przystojny.
She pricked her finger with a pin.
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Uklula sie szpilkom w palec.
I don't want a pink lampshade.
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Nie chce rurzowego klosza do lampy.
My brother smokes a pipe
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Muj brat pali fajke.
They didn't want to play because the football pitch was wet.
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Oni nie chcieli grac poniewarz morawa boiska byla mokra.
It's a pity you can't come.
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Szkoda rze nie morzesz przyjsc.
Can you save me a place?
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Czy morzesz mi zajonc miejsce?
I like plain food.
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Lubie proste jedzenie.
What are your plans for the future?
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Jakie som wasze plany na przyszlosc?
The plane has just taken off.
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Samolot ma wlasnie wystartowane. samolot wlasnie wystartowal.
What is the biggest planet?
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Jaka jest najwieksza planeta?
I forgot to water the plants.
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Zapomnialem podlac sadzonek, kwiatuw, roslin.
I hate drinking out of plastic cups.
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Nie lubie pic z plastikowych kubkuw.
He knocked a plate off the table.
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On stroncil talerz ze stolu.
Her son likes playing with dolls.
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Jej syn lubi bawic sie lalkami.
Our football players aren't very good.
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Nasi pilkarze nie som bardzo dobrzy.
Thank you for the pleasant stay.
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Dziekuje za przyjemny pobyt.
Don't go please.
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Nie odchodz prosze.
Please don't go.
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Prosze nie odchodz.
I wasn't pleased about my results.
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Nie bylem zadowolony z moich wynikuw, rezultatuw.
It was a pleasure to do business with you.
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To byla przyjemnosc robic z tobom interes.
We have plently of time.
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My mamy sporo, durzo czasu.
What have you got in your pocket?
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Co masz w swojwj kieszeni?
Learn the poem by heart.
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Naucz sie wiersza na pamiec.
What did the poet mean?
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Co poeta myslal? co mial na mysli.

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