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Your bottle is full mine is empty.
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Twoja butelka jest pelna moja jest pusta.
When it's hot I drink a lot of mineral water.
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Gdy jest goronco pije durzo wody mineralnej.
The Health Minister does nothing to improve the situation of the hospital.
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Minister zdrowia nie robi nic rzeby poprawic sytuacje szpitali.
We are going to wait only 15 minutes.
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I looked at myself in the mirror.
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Spojrzalem na siebie w lustro.
He missed the target.
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On chybil do celu.
I made a lot of mistakes in my essay.
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Zrobilem durzo blenduw w moim wypracowaniu.
Mix all the ingredients together.
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Zmieszaj wszystkie skladniki razem.
It's the latest model.
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To jest najnowszy model.
Do you like modern abstract painting?
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Czy ty lubisz nowoczesne malarstwo abstrakcyjne?
I'm leaving for Sopot on Monday.
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Wyjerzdzam do Sopotu w poniedzialek.
Do you think that money can make you happy?
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Myslisz rze pieniondze uczyniom cie szczesliwym.
A monkey has escaped from the zoo
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Malpa ma uciekle ze zoo.
It will last a few months.
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To potrwa kilka miesiency.
There are more trains in the morning.
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Rano jest wiencej pocionguw.
I take a quick shower in the morning.
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Rano biore szybki prisznic.
She is the most gifted person I've ever met.
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Ona jest najbardziej utalentowanom osobom jakom kiedykolwiek spotaklem.
We must climb this mountain.
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Musimy sie wspionc na te gure.
He is poor as a church mouse.
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Jest biedny jak mysz koscielna.
Keep your mouth shut.
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Trzymaj usta zamkniete. Nie odzywaj sie.
I can't move my leg.
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Nie moge ruszac nogom
We admire the graceful movements of the dancers.
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Podziwialismy pelne gracji ruchy tancerzy.
Everybody is waiting for Mr Brown.
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Wszyscy czekajom na pana Browna.
Please give me regards to Mrs Potter.
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Prosze przekarz pozdrowienia dla pani Potter.
We'd better find out who is Ms Trottle.
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Lepiej dowiedzmy sie kim jest pani Trottle.
We don't have much time.
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Nie mamy durzo czasu.
Wipe the mud off your shoes.
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Zetrzyj bloto ze swoich butuw.
I haven't seen my mum for a year.
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Nie widzialem swojej mamy od roku.
Why did they murder him?
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Dlaczego oni go zamordowali?
Entry to this museum is free.
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Wstemp do tego muzeum jest bezplatny.
Music relaxes me When I'm stressed.
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Muzyka relaksuje mnie gdy jestem zestresowany.
All the children are musical.
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Wszystkie dzieci som muzykalne.
There are four musicians in the band.
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W zespole jest czterech muzykuw.
You must spend more time with your children.
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Musisz spendzac wiecej czasu ze swoimi dziecmi.
My dog is called Spike.
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Muj pies nazywa sie Spike.
The mystery was never solved.
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Tajemnica nie zostala nigdy rozwionzana.

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