Style i strategie

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question English réponse English
English for Specific Purposes (is defined to meet specific needs of the learners)
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Language Acquisition Device (mechanizm przyswajania języka) u dzieci
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Modern Language Aptitude Test
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extrinsic motivation
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motivation from outside
intrinsic motivation
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inner motivation
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you don't know sth, don; t have the knowledge of sth- INCORRECT
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slip of the tongue
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error becomes a habit, cannot easily be corrected
learning style
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inborn method a person uses to learn, refers to how an individual is able to learn and remember information
visual learner
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finds learning to converse in a foreign language much more difficult than learning to read, write or learn grammar. Appreciates diagrams and charts; good speller
auditory learner
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will pick up foreign lanuage simply by listening to conversations, songs, foreign tapes
kinesthetic learner (haptic)
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can have the most difficulty learning, because schools are not prepared to teach them; learning by walking around, fidgeting when in class
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inherent ability for learning; a talent
visual memories
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auditory memories
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V...A.. KOG
kinesthetic memories
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VA...K.. OG
olfactry memories
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gustatory memories
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multisensory approach
social learner
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likes working in groups
creative learner
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likes using creativity, imaginative exercises
intellectual learner
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likes to analyse the language
practical learner
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practical attitude towards the learning
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THEORY people learn by overhearing, imitating the pattern, repeating
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THEORY we born with the ability to learn; Chomsky + Krashen, LAD
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THEORY interactions are necessary; Long + Pika
Multiple intelligence
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Howard Gardner
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Multiple intelligence, who?
Multiple Intelligence
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seven different ways to demonstrate intellectual ability
An error like a sin, must be avoided.
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Skimmer + Lado
serialist learners
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tackle the subject step by step, learn part by part, building from the known to the unknown with the simplest possible connections between the items of knowledge
holist learners
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seek an overall framework and then explore areas within it in a more less haphazard way, until they have filled in the whole
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Long + Pika
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Chomsky + Krashen
tolerant to ambiguity learner
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nie musi mieć wszystkiego czarno na białym
intolerant to ambiguity learner
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musi mieć wszystko czarno na białym
tolerant to criticism learner
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dobrze znosi krytykę
intolerant to criticism learner
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nie znosi krytyki
with high self-esteem
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o wysokim poczuciem własnej wartości
with low self-esteem
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o niskim poczuciu własnej wartości
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J.J. Asher
Total Physical Response
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Total Physical Response
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method of teaching language using physical movement (without speaking)
attention span
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how much time you are ready to spend on some activity
Common European Framework (A1, A2,..., C2)
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proficiency level
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how advanced is your language? ... level
field-dependent learner
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=? holist?; less analytical, social oriented, needs instruction, like to be with people
field-independent learner
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=? serialist?; makes choices independently, is not influenced
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does, involving himself in new experience, excitement of new challenge, sociable, centre of attention, brainstorm
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concludes, logically step-by-step, analyzing, integrating ideas, rational system, uncomfortable with ambiguity
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reviews, thoughtful, liking to collect and analyse data, before coming to decision, observing an listening
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plans, enthusiastic about trying out new theories and techniques, practical, like to solve problems, ‘if it works it’s good’
indirect learning
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learning through exposure
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they stand up and talk to many people, ask questions and do exercises together
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chętnie podejmują ryzyko
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unikają podejmowania ryzyka

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