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bedside table/night table
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a small table that is kept at the side of a bed
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a piece of furniture with shelves to put books on
bunk bed
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one of two beds attached together, one on top of the other$ a narrow bed that is attached to a wall, especially in a boat or a train
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a piece of material, especially cloth, that hangs across a window or opening to make a room or part of a room dark or private; the large screen of heavy material in a theatre that separates the stage from the area where people are watching
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a bag made of cloth, plastic, or leather that is filled with soft material, often has an attractive cover, and is used especially on chairs for sitting or leaning on:
double bed
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a bed big enough for two people to sleep in
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a large, soft, flat bag filled with feathers or artificial material used as a covering on a bed
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a piece of kitchen equipment that uses electricity to preserve food at a cold temperature:
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a curved device used for catching or holding things, especially one attached to a surface for hanging things on:
kitchen cupboard
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a piece of furniture or a space for storing things, with a door or doors and usually with shelves
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a device for giving light, especially one that has a covering or is contained within something:
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an electric oven that uses waves of energy to cook or heat food quickly:
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something you rest your head on while you sleep
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a long, flat board fixed horizontally, usually against a wall or inside a cupboard so that objects can be stored on it:
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a long, soft seat with a back and usually arms, on which more than one person can sit at the same time

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