SP11-Turkish Restaurant - How many people?

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question réponse
Kaç kişisiniz?
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How many are you?
3 kişiyiz
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we are 3 people
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I'm alone
Bir kişilik masa istiyorum.
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I'd like a table for one person.
Yalnız müzik dinlemeyi severim.
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I like listening to music alone.
saat kaç
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what time is it
Kaç yaşındasınız?
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How old are you?
kaç kişi gidiyorsunuz
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how many people do you go
maça 3 saat var
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spades have 3 hours
bu gece üçümüz gidiyoruz
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the three of us are going tonight
4 kişi gelmedi
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4 people didn't show
Yalnız müzik dinlemeyi severim.
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I like listening to music alone.
yalnız yaşıyorum
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I live alone

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