SM L2 słówka 3

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jeden z najważniejszych krajów
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one of the most important countries
żaden kraj w europie
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no country in europe
zaawansowana technologia
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advanced technology
niektóre wyroby brytyjskie
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some british products
wyroby wysokiej jakości
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high quality products
na przykład
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for example
statek brytyjski
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a british ship
bardzo wysoka jakość
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very high quality
pewne problemy
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some problems
pewne problemy z jakością
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some problems with quality
pewne poważne problemy
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some serious problems
sześć lat
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six years
rok lub dwa
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a year or two
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problemy z bezrobociem
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problems with unemployment
inny ważny problem
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another serious problem
inne problemy
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other problems
sytuacja w polsce
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the situation in poland
problemy polityczne
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political problems
przede wszystkim
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first of all
inaczej niż francja
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unlike france
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polski węgiel
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polish coal
dużo polskiego węgla
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alot of polish coal
duże zagłębie węglowe w niemczech
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a large coalfield in germany
zagłębie węglowe w anglii
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coalfields in england
pola naftowe
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oprócz statków i samolotów
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apart from ships and aeroplanes
ropa i gaz
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oil and gas
trochę ropy ale żadnego gazu
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some oil but no gas
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of course
gospodarka brytyjska dziś
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british economy today
gaz ziemny
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natural gaz

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