SM L2 czytanka 1

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question réponse
Monika jest gospodynią domową
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Monica is a housewife
Ma dużą rodzinę - męża i trójkę dzieci
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She has a large family - a husband and three children
Ma dużo pracy w domu
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She has a lot of housework
musi robić zakupy dla rodziny prawie codziennie
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She has to do shopping for her family almost every day
Oto co ma w kuchni
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This is what she has got in the kitchen
Ma kilka herbatników i trochę dżemu
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She's got som biscuits and some jam
Ma trochę frytek, ale nie ma chot dogów
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She has som chips, but hasn't got any hot dogs
Ma wiele jajek
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She's got a lot of eggs
Ma trochę bekonu
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She has some bacon
Ma wiele jabłek i trochę pomarańczy
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She's got a lot of apples and some oranges
Ma wiele warzyw
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She's got a lot of vegetables
Ma dużo herbaty i trochę kawy
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She's got a lot of tea and some coffee
Ma dużo mleka
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She has a lot of milk
Ma trochę piwa, ale nie ma wina
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She has some beer but no wine
Ma trochę chleba i trochę masła
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She has some bread and some butter
Nie ma sera
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She hasn't got any cheese
Ma trochę cukru i trochę soli
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She has some sugar and some salt
Ma też trochę pieprzu
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She's got some pepper, too

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