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question English réponse English
left in a position where you can move
He ​left me __ in ​town with no ​car and no ​money for a ​bus. If the ​tide comes in, we'll be __ on these ​rocks.
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/ˈstræn.dɪd/ He ​left me stranded in ​town with no ​car and no ​money for a ​bus. If the ​tide comes in, we'll be stranded on these ​rocks.
hopeless or pointless
Attempts to get ​supplies to the ​region are __ because ​troops will not ​allow the ​aid ​convoy to ​enter the ​city. It's ​completely __ ​trying to ​reason with him - he just won't ​listen.
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/ˈfjuː.taɪl/ Attempts to get ​supplies to the ​region are futile because ​troops will not ​allow the ​aid ​convoy to ​enter the ​city. It's ​completely futile ​trying to ​reason with him - he just won't ​listen.
walking in a relaxed way
We could __ along the ​beach after ​dinner.
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/strəʊl/ We could stroll along the ​beach after ​dinner.
Throughout ​history, ​people have been __by the ​question of whether there is ​intelligent ​life ​elsewhere in the ​universe.
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/ɪnˈtriːɡ-ed/ hroughout ​history, ​people have been intrigued by the ​question of whether there is ​intelligent ​life ​elsewhere in the ​universe.
She's ​terribly ​upset because her ​father ​__ last ​week.
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passed away
She's ​terribly ​upset because her ​father ​passed away last ​week.
in progress towards
Walter's descriptions saved him from depression and helped him __ recovery.
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on the road to
Walter's descriptions saved him from depression and helped him on the road to recovery.
depressed, unhappy
Illness of any ​sort can ​leave you ​feeling __. He ​seemed in __ ​spirits.
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/ləʊ/ Illness of any ​sort can ​leave you ​feeling low. He ​seemed in low ​spirits.
because of
The ​concert has been ​cancelled __ ​lack of ​interest.
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owing to
The ​concert has been ​cancelled owing to ​lack of ​interest.
Nie ma tego złego, co by na dobre nie wyszło
said to ​emphasize that every ​difficult or ​unpleasant ​situation has some ​advantage
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Every cloud has a silver lining
jak ty komu, tak on tobie; historia lubi się powtarzać
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What goes around, come around
nie ma dymu bez ognia
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where there’s smoke there’s fire
kto się na gorącym sparzy, ten na zimne dmucha
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once bitten, twice shy
kiedy wejdziesz między wrony, musisz krakać jak i one
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when in Rome do as the Romans do
nadzieja umiera ostatnia
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where there's life, there's hope
kto nie ryzykuje, ten nie pije szampana
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nothing ventured, nothing gained
nie martw się na zapas
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let's cross that bridge, when we come to it
Żałuję, że tu siedzę
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I wish I wasn't sitting here right now.
If only I wasn't sitting here right now.
Żałuję, że nie mam więcej czasu.
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I wish I had more time.
If only I had more time.
Szkoda, że Sam tyle czasu spędza przed komputerem
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I wish (If only) Sam wouldn't spend so much time on the computer.
Use would + infinitive after if only / I wish to talk about other people's habits that you want to change.
I didn't stay at home and I regret it
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I wish I'd stayed at home - or - I should have stayed at home.
Use wish past perfect to express regret about the past.
zmarnowana okazja
I actually turned down an offer to teach English abroad. Now I realise that it was __
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missed opportunity
I actually turned down an offer to teach English abroad. Now I realise that it was a missed opportunity.
mieć wątpliwości
Lately __ about becoming a lawyer.
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to have second thoughts
Lately I've had second thoughts about becoming a lawyer.
żałować czegoś, wyrzucać sobie
Every time I remember that, I __ for not having jumped at the chance.
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to kick oneself (for + V-ing)
Every time I remember that, I kick myself for not having jumped at the chance.
szkoda, że...
It's my fault in the end, and __ I didn't listen to my father's advice.
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It's a pity that (informal)
It's my fault in the end, and it's a pity that I didn't listen to my father's advice.
To make things worse, my best friend from university is teaching abroad, and __ every time I get a postcard from him
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I'm gutted
To make things worse, my best friend from university is teaching abroad, and I'm gutted every time I get a postcard from him
z perspektywy czasu
__, I should have taken the ​job.
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with hindsight
/ˈhaɪnd.saɪt/ With (the ​benefit/​wisdom of) hindsight, I should have taken the ​job.
to ​arrive or ​appear ​somewhere, usually ​unexpectedly or in a way that was not ​planned
Do you ​think many ​people will __? She ​__ at my ​house late one ​night.
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turn up (somewhere)
Do you ​think many ​people will ​turn up? She ​turned up at my ​house late one ​night.
to ​stop ​trying to ​guess
You'll never ​guess the ​answer - do you __? I __ - how many were there?
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give up
You'll never ​guess the ​answer - do you give up? I give up - how many were there?
to ​start doing a ​particular ​job or ​activity
He's __ the ​position of ​supervisor. [+ -ing verb] Have you ​ever ​thought of __ ​acting? Patti __ (= ​continued) the ​story where Sue had ​left off.
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take sth up
He's taken up the ​position of ​supervisor. [+ -ing verb] Have you ​ever ​thought of taking up ​acting? Patti took up (= ​continued) the ​story where Sue had ​left off.
to ​become ​familiar with a ​place and to ​feel ​happy and ​confident in it
She ​quickly ​__ in her new ​house/​job/​school.
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settle down
She ​quickly ​settled down in her new ​house/​job/​school.
start a company or organisation
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set up company
to use all of something, so that there is none left
We've __ of sugar. Time is __.
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run out
We've run out of sugar. Time is running out.
to ​gradually ​become an ​adult
I ​__ in ​Scotland (= I ​lived there when I was ​young). Taking ​responsibility for yourself is ​part of the ​process of ​__.
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grow up
I ​grew up in ​Scotland (= I ​lived there when I was ​young). Taking ​responsibility for yourself is ​part of the ​process of ​growing up.
He was __ alongside two brothers and two adopted sisters.
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bring up
He was brought up alongside two brothers and two adopted sisters.
to ​continue or ​move to the next thing
Please __ with what you're doing and don't ​let us ​interrupt you. [+ -ing verb] We really can't __ living like this - we'll have to ​find a ​bigger ​house.
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go on
Please go on with what you're doing and don't ​let us ​interrupt you. [+ -ing verb] We really can't go on living like this - we'll have to ​find a ​bigger ​house.
to ​start doing something often, start to like
She was so ​depressed she __ ​drink. [+ -ing verb] He's __ ​staying out very late.
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take to sth
She was so ​depressed she took to ​drink. [+ -ing verb] He's taken to ​staying out very late.
make someone dislike
She thought his teeth were too big - she believed this would __ viewers __.
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put off
She thought his teeth were too big - she believed this would put viewers off.
to give up a ​job or ​position
She __ as ​captain of the ​team.
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step down
She stepped down as ​captain of the ​team.
to ​refuse to ​accept or ​agree to something, or to ​refuse someone's ​request
The ​bank __ her __ for a ​loan. The ​former ​Joint ​Chiefs of ​Staff Chairman has __ the ​job.
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turn down
The ​bank turned her down for a ​loan. The ​former ​Joint ​Chiefs of ​Staff Chairman has turned down the ​job.
to ​return to ​your ​usual ​state of ​health or ​happiness after having a ​bad or ​unusual ​experience, or an ​illness
She’s just __ the ​flu. I can’t __ how ​short he is (= it ​surprised me).
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get over
She’s just getting over the ​flu. I can’t get over how ​short he is (= it ​surprised me).
to ​move past, in ​space or ​time
You can ​watch the ​trains __ from this ​window. You can't ​let an ​opportunity like that __ - it's too good to ​miss. Hardly a ​day __ when I don't ​think about her.
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go by
You can ​watch the ​trains going by from this ​window. You can't ​let an ​opportunity like that go by - it's too good to ​miss. Hardly a ​day goes by when I don't ​think about her.

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