Słówka z prepositions str. 11, 12

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nieobecny na...
commencer à apprendre
absent from
He was absent from the lesson.
oskarżać kogoś o coś
commencer à apprendre
accuse sb of
They accused him of stealing the car.
przepraszać kogoś za coś
commencer à apprendre
apologize to sb for sth
He apologized to me for sneeze (kichnięcie, kichać)
ubiegać się (do kogoś) o coś
commencer à apprendre
apply (to sb) for sth
She applied to university for employment (zatrudnienie, praca)
zgadzać się na coś, aprobować
commencer à apprendre
approve of
They approve of his plan.
błagać, prosić o coś
commencer à apprendre
beg for
He begged for money on beer(piwo).
zajęty czymś (przymiotnik)
commencer à apprendre
busy with
All our agents are currently busy with other customers. ALE: We were busy planning our expansion.

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