słowka pt4

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question réponse
teraz albo nigdy
commencer à apprendre
now OR never
mieć dość(to be fed up with sth)
commencer à apprendre
sick AND tired of sth
commencer à apprendre
bit AND pieces
od czasu do czasu (from time to time)
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now AND again
wszystko mu się na głowę zwaliło
commencer à apprendre
down AND out
commencer à apprendre
give AND take
wzloty i upadki
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ups AND downs
ład i porządek
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low AND order
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safe AND sound
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heat AND tidy
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prim AND proper
nóż i widelec
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knife and fork
w tył i w prżód
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backwards and forwards
błoga cisza
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peace and quiet
pioruny i błyskawice
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thunder and lighting
dobrze albo zle
commencer à apprendre
right or wrong
wczesniej albo poźniej
commencer à apprendre
sooner or later

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