Słówka british

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question English réponse English
meagre / meager
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small, not important
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extremely beautiful
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an unskilled job, polecenie, sprawa do załatwienia
to cut back
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to spend less
to consort
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to agree with sb
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plotka, pomówienie
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nervous, anxious
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rozpowszechniać artykuły prasowe lub programy telewizyjne (poprzez ich sprzedaż)
to suck up to sb
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podlizywać się komuś
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a successful businessperson
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a person who looks after sheep
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a bad/inaccurate use of a name, niewłaściwy termin, niewłaściwe określenie
devoid of sth
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completely lack of sth
to dote on sb
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to give lots of loving attention
to be had
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to be tricked
to fall for trick hook, line and sinker
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to fall for a trick completely
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a canary
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to crave
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to strongly want sth
to watch sb/sth like a hawk
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bardzo uważnie kogoś obserwować
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inconvenient, annoying, dokuczliwy, natrętny, nieznośny
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zamożny, dobrze usytuowany
to coax
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to gently persuade, namawiać, namówić, nakłonić
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kręty (np. korytarz), wijący się (o ścieżce), flowing, moving
knock yourself out
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to do what you like, as much as you like
to keep on top of sth
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to stay in control
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coffin, szkatułka (np. na biżuterię), trumna, urna
to be upbeat about sth
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to be happy, wesoły, optymistyczny
white from ear to ear
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to whack
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grzmotnąć, walnąć, palnąć, łomot
what is all the racket?
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what is the reason of your unusual behaviour
to tear sth to shreds
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to make sth fall into pieces
to nibbles at
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to bite vary small pieces of food
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cruel *situation) filled with blood, krwawy, pełen przemocy (o filmie)
blotched with blisters
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covered with blisters
to claw sth back
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to collect as much as you can
as easy as falling a log
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very easy (idiom)
backbreaking toil
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very hard work
a perk
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an advantage, benefit
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packed full, very busy
to do sth on the fly
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to improvise
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hectic, busy
to cherry-pick
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to take the best part of sth
in conjunction with sth
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in cooperation with sth
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having/showing excessive sexual desire

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