Słówka 27.02

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the cutting edge of sth
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the newest stage in the development of sth, nowatorski (np. technologia, przemysł)
budding (athlete)
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developing well, likely to be successful although young, dobrze zapowiadający się
a tall order
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difficult to be done, trudne zadanie, wygórowane żądanie
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głupota (o wykonanej czynności niosącej złe skutki, miniaturowy model budynku służący dekoracji parku, foolishness
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instance of being talkative, gadatliwość, wielomówność
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reserved, małomówny, powściągliwy w słowach
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plain and simple, strict and serious, trudna sytuacja ekonomiczna, bieda
to be lumbered with
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to give sb a responsibility that he doesn't want to bear, obciążyć
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an amount of money that is put into some investment, nakład, wydatek
to live in austerity
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to live in bad economic conditions
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a way in sth is organized, układ, opracowanie graficzne, makieta, rozkład, plan, kompozycja, rozmieszczenie
to drag your feet
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to move too slow
a storm in the teacup
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making too much fuss about sth, idiom
a drop in the ocean
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a small part of sth, idiom
to bite off more than you could chew
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to try to do more than you are able to, rzucać się z motyką na księżyc
saving grace
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thing that justifies/excuses sb's bad behaviour
to settle up
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to pay what is owed
to see through
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to realise sb's true character or intentions, przejrzeć kogoś
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inwigilacja, obserwacja, nadzór (np. policyjny)
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sth that encourages you to do sth, bodziec, motywacja
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to return money that one has spent, wynagradzać, rekompensować (... package)
freelance worker
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not employed as a regular worker, not in company, niezależny, pracujący na własny rachunek
severance pay
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odprawa (płacona przy zwolnieniu z pracy), money you gain when you are made redundant
unemployment benefit
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zasiłek dla bezrobotnych
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dochodowy, intratny, bringing money
to hand in one's notice
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podanie o rozwiązanie umowy i pracę
reasonable commission
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money you gat from each item sold, prowizja
fringe benefits
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things that you are given for free while working for a big company
his face fell
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he became embarrassed, serious or sad
to pool one's knowledge
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to put into one source and use it
to make a mountain of a molehill
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robić z igły widły, to exaggerate
to outstay
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to stay sb's place longer than you should
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wyroby ceramiczne, ceramika, fajans, pottery
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wymagający, rygorystyczny, making great demand requiring great effort
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lying, untrue statement, fałsz, kłamstwo
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uprzedzać, wyprzedzać, to prevent sb form undesired action
to become estranged form one another
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to become strangers, not to talk to each other any more
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straszny, przerażający
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visual jokes, błazenada, gagi sceniczne
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na złamanie karku, z determinacją
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lekkomyślny, nieostrożny, nieuważny, niedbały
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unlikely to come true
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plain and simple, prosty, zwyczajny, ręcznie tkany (o ubraniu)
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fasada budynku
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very hungry
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narastająca fala

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