Słówka 25.04

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question English réponse English
in a deplorable state
commencer à apprendre
to condemn, condemnable state
to fall behind with
commencer à apprendre
not to do sth on time
to fall though
commencer à apprendre
to fail to materialize, to come to nothing
to fall in with
commencer à apprendre
to subscribe, agree
commencer à apprendre
fitting close to the body
commencer à apprendre
by a very small margin
commencer à apprendre
cut very short
to afford sth
commencer à apprendre
capable to buy, provide, give, (trees ... shade)
to see though
commencer à apprendre
to realise the truth
take up with sb
commencer à apprendre
spend a lot of time with
commencer à apprendre
can be easily harmed, bezbronny, odsłonięty, wystawiony na ciosy
susceptible to
commencer à apprendre
likely yo suffer from
it transpired that...
commencer à apprendre
of secret events, become known
to spark
commencer à apprendre
to start, wywołać, wywoływać
commencer à apprendre
to set one's sight on sth
commencer à apprendre
decide to achieve sth
to bring in
commencer à apprendre
to introduce(phv)
to come by
commencer à apprendre
to obtain(phv), zdobywać coś (co jest trudne do zdobycia)
to come up to
commencer à apprendre
to match(phv), spełniać coś (np. oczekiwania), dorównywać komuś
to drive at
commencer à apprendre
to suggest(phv)
to drop ff
commencer à apprendre
to fall asleep(phv)
to go about
commencer à apprendre
to cope with(phv), robić coś w sposób, w jaki zawsze się to robi
to hang out
commencer à apprendre
to spend a lot of time(phv)
to leave off
commencer à apprendre
to stop(phv)
to pull off
commencer à apprendre
to complete sth successfully(phv)
to run out
commencer à apprendre
to use up(phv)kończyć się, wyczerpywać się
to set forth
commencer à apprendre
to begin a journey(phv)
to take in, put up
commencer à apprendre
to provide accommodation for(phv)
to throw up
commencer à apprendre
to vomit(phv)
to tip off
commencer à apprendre
to warn sb in a advance(phv)
to touch on
commencer à apprendre
to mention sth briefly(phv)

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