Słówka 21.05.12

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question English réponse English
call sb collect
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that person pays the bill
stand sb a beer
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buy sb a beer in a bar
odd socks
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socks belonging to different set
to frolic about
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to play in a lively and carelessly way, dokazywać, hasać, figlować, swawolić
to side-step
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to avoid or evade
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shortness, zwięzłość, lakoniczność
a fleeting visit
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short visit, przelotna wizyta
uncanny ability
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extraordinary, unnatural
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to mesh
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to fix, to be compatible with sth
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below the chest (part of the body)
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instance of being diseased
a crutch
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a person who provides support or help
darn sure
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extremely, very sure
to rein in
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to stop the horse using reins, control, stop
to cap
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to follow sth with sth bigger, more advanced,
to deflect
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załamywać światło, odpierać (atak), odbiegać od tematu
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obvious (negligence), wulgar, unrefined (behaviour), sth disgusting
to hop
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move from one place to another quickly and frequently
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unlikely to part with his money

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