Shooting in texas

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should have barred him from playing computer games
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powinien zakazać mu grania w gry komputerowe
he was barefoot
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był boso
She is the victim of a brutal assault.
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napad, napaść
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i'm like this useless bystander
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widz, naoczny świadek, przechodzien
he chased him out of town
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wyrzucił go z miasta
he fled in a SUV
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uciekł w SUV-ie
he embodied
On the other hand, he embodies this system in the eyes of the public.
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on ucieleśniał
the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun
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jedyną rzeczą, która powstrzymuje złego faceta z pistoletem, jest dobry facet z pistoletem
we have the opportunity to have concealed carry
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mamy możliwość posiadania ukrytego bagażu
parishioners gather after sunday mass
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Wysoka prędkość
the cracks
the cracks on our relationship were terminal for our happiness
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strengthening our background-check system
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wzmocnienie naszego systemu sprawdzania pochodzenia
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osądzaony przez sąd wojskowy
cracking his young stepson's skull
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trzaskając czaszką młodego pasierba
He was convicted of homicide
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Został skazany za zabójstwo
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tu areszt, zamknięcie,
conviction for insulting
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skazanie za obrażanie
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błędnie zgłoszone
That oversight meant
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To niedopatrzenie oznaczało
flagged down a pickup driver
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tu zatrzymał kierowcę pickup'a
he didn’t think he was going to make it
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tu: nie sądził, że to mu sie uda przeżyć
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the small close-knit team has a huge advantage over a big, corporate teams of anonymous people
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rzeczywy istotne

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