Shakespeare Speaks Session 19 Not budge an inch

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a barmaid
poruszyć się, ruszyć się, drgnąć, nakłonić, nakłaniać (np. do zmiany zdania, zmiany stanowiska); ustąpić, zmienić zdanie
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to budge
nie ustąpić ani na krok
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not give an inch; not budge an inch
poskramiać, oswajać, ugłaskać
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to tame /teim/
próba teatralna
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a rehearsal
ćwiczyć (przemówienie), robić próbę (teatralną)
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to rehearse
jędza, megiera (kobieta kłótliwa) (old-fashioned)
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a shrew (old-fashioned)
Poskromienie złośnicy
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The Taming of the Shrew
rozerwać kogoś na strzępy, nogi z tyłka komuś powyrywać
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to have somebody's guts for garters
upoważniać (np. do zrobienia czegoś)
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to entitle
właściciel gospody, oberżysta
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an innkeeper
remedium, lekarstwo; zadośćuczynienie, wyrównanie szkody
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a remedy
to continue with your opinions or intentions when somebody is opposing you and wants you to change
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hold/stand your ground; Don't let him persuade you—stand your ground.
to refuse to do something or to change your mind about something
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to dig your heels/toes in; They dug in their heels and would not lower the price.
wycofywać się
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to back down; She refused to back down on a point of principle.
Nie ma mowy!
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No way!
Nie zrobię tego za żadne pieniądze!
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not even if you paid me!
Wykluczone! Poza dyskusją!
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it's out of the question
Nigdy w życiu!
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never in a million years! not in a million years!
I agree to do or allow something that I didn't want to do before
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Oh, go on then!
I agree to do or allow something that I didn't want to do before
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I agree to do or allow something that I did not want it to before
Tak przypuszczam. I agree to something that I am not certain or happy about
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I suppose so.

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