SG A66 13.04.2014

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question réponse
Byłam na spotkaniu.
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I was in the meeting.
Nie byłam na spotkaniu.
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I wasn’t in the meeting.
Byłeś zajęty wczoraj.
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You were busy yesterday.
Nie byłeś wczoraj zajęty.
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You weren’t busy.
John był zmęczony.
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John was tired.
On przyszedł do biura.
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He came to the office.
Przyszłam do biura o dziesiątej.
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I came to the office at 10.
Poznałam nowego szefa.
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I met a new boss.
Zrobiłam to wczoraj.
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I did it yesterday.
Przyjechałam do pracy autem.
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I drove to work by car.
Rozmawiałam z dyrektorem przez telefon/
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I spoke with the director on the phone.
Widziałam nowego kolegę.
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I saw a new colleague.
Wzięłam dokumanet na spotkanie.
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I took your documents to the meeting.
Dałam raport szefowi.
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I gave the report to the boss.
Miałam spotkanie z działem marketingu.
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I had a meetings with Marketing Department.
Podobała mi się twoja prezentacja.
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I liked your presentation.
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I knew it!
Nie wiedziałam o tym.
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I didn’t know about it.
Zrobiłam zestawienie w zeszłym tygodniu.
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I made the calculation last week.
Napisałam maila do Johna.
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I wrote an email to John.
Przeczytałam notatkę służbową.
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I read the memo.
Chciałam to zrobić.
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I wanted to do it.
Zadzwoniłam do innej firmy.
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I called the other company.
Rozmawiałam z szefem/
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I talked to /with my boss.
On poszedł do domu.
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He went home.
Pracowałam bardzo ciężko.
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I worked very hard.
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dostać Anglais
get got got
Dostałam nową wiadomość.
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I got a new message.
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tell told told
On mi wszystko powiedział.
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He told me everything.
Verbs related to work:
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Czasowniki związane z pracą:
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drink drank
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check checked
nauczyć suę
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learn learned/learnt
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prepare prepared
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change changed
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correct corrected
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enter entered
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book booked
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mark marked
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send sent
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receive received
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calculate calculated
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analyze analyzed

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