SEW1, 04.11.2015

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the economist
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Nie zdążyłam.
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I didn't make it.
Nie wyrobię się.
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I can't make it.
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to defend
głosować na
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vote on
Nie dbam o to.
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I don't give a hoot.
Mam to gdzieś.
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I don't give a damn.
sympatyk PiSu
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PiS supporter
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fight fought
w telewizji
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on TV
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TV set
Przyłączył się do PO.
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He joined PO.
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He's been an owner of a TV station for a long time.
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He's been an owner of a TV station for a long time.
In the past he was an owner.
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In the past he was an owner.
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wszyscy wiedzą
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everybody knows
opłata, abonament
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Ja płacę. Ja też.
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I pay. Me too.
Ja nie płacę. Ja też nie.
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I don't pay. Me neither.
albo... albo...
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Either... or...
You can reach me either on my stationary or my mobile number.
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You can reach me either on my stationary number or my mobile.
ani... ani...
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Neither... nor...
Ani John ani Mary nie gadają po niemiecku.
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Neither John nor Mary speak German.
Neither gear units nor frequency inverters are discounted.
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Neither gear units nor frequency inverters are discounted.
Neither we nor my daughter sons listen to me.
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Neither my sons nor my daughter listen to me.
nothing can go wrong
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nothing can go wrong
nic się nie dzieje
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nothing happens
nic nie działa
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nothing works
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participate in, take part in, attend
Z szacunkiem,
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With respect,...
z całym szacunkiem...
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With all due respect,...

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