SEW Wednesday 01.06.2016

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to pay attention to something
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zwracać uwagę na coś
to place an order for gearmotors
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zlozyc zamowienie na motoreduktory
I'm sensitive to criticism.
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Jestem wrażliwy na krytykę.
This priest is our regular client.
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Ten ksiadz jest naszym stalym klientem.
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parish priest
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The client took offence at me for this remark.
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Klient obrazil się na mnie za te uw
We failed to reach the turnover plan.
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Nie udało nam się osiagnąć planu obrotowego.
We succeeded in this tender.
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Udnieslismy sukces w tym przetargu.
We failed in this competition.
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Odnieslismy porazke w tych zawodach.
This sales strategy proved to be very successful.
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Ta strategia sprzedazowa okazala się bardzo udana.

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