SEW Tuesday 31.05.2016

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to make up for something
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nadrobić coś
to make up to somebody
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wynagrodzić komuś coś
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much sleep
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dużo snu
set set set
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set the air condition
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ustawiać klimatyzację
set the rules
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ustalać zasady
set the price
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ustalić cenę
set the alarm clock
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ustawić budzik
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drzemka (alarm clock)
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the price is set
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cena jest ustalona
We're setting the price now.
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Właśnie ustalamy cenę.
to negotiate prices
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negocjować ceny
I have a good influence on my husband.
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Mam dobry wpływ na mojego męża.
The weather affects my mood.
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Pogoda wpływa na mój nastrój.
The number of people affects the price.
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Liczba ludzi wpływa na cenę.
The quantity of items affects the price.
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Ilość pozycji wpływa na cenę.
A lot of factors affect the price.
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Wiele czynników wpływa na cenę.
Different options affect the price.
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Różne opcje wpływają na cenę.
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prices rise = prices grow = prices go up = prices increase
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ceny rosną
raise prices
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podnosić ceny
our conversation affects my mood negatively
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nasza rozmowa wplywa na mój nastroj negatywnie
rise – rose – risen
The prices rise.
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Ceny rosną.
raise – raised
podnosić ceny
to raise prices
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nett value / gross value
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wartość netto / wartość brutto
discount range
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zakres rabatowy
the highest price
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najwyższa cena
the lowest discount
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najniższa rabat
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raise your hands
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podnieście ręce
Don't raise your voice!
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Nie podnoś głosu.

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