SEW 2, September 2 lessons

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question réponse
to rescue
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to defend
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commencer à apprendre
to fall down / fell / fallen
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to feel / felt / felt
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to throw / threw / thrown
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in this case
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w tym przypadku
to quit / quit / quit
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rzucić (prace, palenie)
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must / had to / will have to
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vomit / throw up / puke
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rescue wheel
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kolo ratunkowe
stable weight
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stała waga
to pretend
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koszmar senny
Let's not get into it.
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Nie brnijmy w to (ten temat).
My windows face Kaufland.
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Moje okna wychodzą na Kaufland.
to bet
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zalozyc się
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prośba, wniosek, zyczenie
on request
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za żądanie
to enquire about the price
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zapytac o cene
an enquiry about the price
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zapytanie o cene
it comes to $5
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to wyniesie 5 $
What will it come to?
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Ile to wyniesie?
What will the total come to?
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Ile to będzie w calosci? / Ile wyniesie całość?
to charge
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pobierac oplate
How much do you charge?
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Jaka oplate pobieracie?
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extra charges
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dodatkowe oplaty
Does it include any extra charges?
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Czy to zawiera
It includes the price of delivery.
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To zawiera cene dostawy.
It doesn't include the price for express delivery.
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To nie zawiera ceny ekspresowej
hotel facilities
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udogodnienia hotelowe
training facility
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obiekt szkoleniowy
You can reach me at (number)...
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Bede osiagalna/y pod numerem...
to make sure
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upewnic się
I'd like to make sure about the delivery time.
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Chcialam się upewnic co do czasu dostawy.
to entertain
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zabawiac, rozerwac
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zaleta, przewaga
our advantage over the competitors
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nasza przewaga nad konkurencja

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