Sergiusz zdania

 0    14 fiche    damianjanczak
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question réponse
Mam 8 palców
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I've got 8 fingers
Mam 4 ręce
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I've got 4 hands
Mój dom
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My house
słuchaj i dopasuj
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listen and match
słuchaj i umieść naklejkę
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listen and stick
znaleźć i policzyć
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find and count
przeczytaj i dopasuj
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read and match
narysuj i powiedz
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draw and say
masz jeden brzuch
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you've got one tummy
i to jest duży brzuch
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and it's a big tummy
ono jest w salonie?
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is it in the living room?
ono jest w kuchni!
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It's in the kitchen!
gdzie krzesło?
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where MY chair?
moje ubrania
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my clothes

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