Różne 2

 0    60 fiche    michalpeszynski
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question réponse
Jak masz na imię?
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What is your name?
Mam na imię Tom
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My name is Tom
Jak się czujesz?
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How are you?
Czy mogę pożyczyć długopis?
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Can I borrow a pen?
Dziękuję ci
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Thank U
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stać na nogach
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stand on legs
Ja chcę
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I want
Ja też
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Me too
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let's play
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let's listen
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jest pochmurnie
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it's cloudy
jest wietrznie
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it's windy
pada deszcz
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it's raining
jest słonecznie
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it's sunny
pada śnieg
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it's snowing
jest gorąco
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It's hot
jest zimno
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it's cold
Jaka jest dzisiaj pogoda?
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What's the weather like today?
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how much
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Mam ból ucha
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I have got an erache
Ile masz lat?
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How old are you?
Co się stało?
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What's the matter?
Mam ból głowy
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I have got a headache
Ja lubię
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I like
Ja nie lubię
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I do not like
Jestem głodny
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I'm hungry
Mam urodziny w kwietniu
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I have a birthday in April
Kiedy są twoje urodziny?
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When is your birthday?
On ma na sobie zieloną kurtkę
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He is wearing a green jacket
Ja mam na sobie kurtkę
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I'm wearing a jacket.
kapelusz taty
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dad's hat
brata rower
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brother's bicycle
Boję się
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I'm scared
Ja nie mam pizzy
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I don't have a pizza
Jestem zielony
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I am green
Czy ona umie pływać?
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Can she swim?
Czy ty umiesz biegać?
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Can you run?
grać w piłkę nożną
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play football
grać w koszykówkę
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play basketball
grać w tenisa
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play tennis
jazda na rowerze
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ride a bike
jazda na rolkach
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jazda na deskorolce
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Ja wstaję
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I get up
Ja jem śniadanie
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I eat breakfast
Ja szczotkuję moje zęby
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I brush my teeth
Ja biorę prysznic
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I take a shower
Ja ubieram się
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I get dressed
Ja idę do szkoły
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I go to school
Ja idę na zakupy
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I go shopping
Ja sprzątam swój pokój
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I tidy my room
Która jest godzina?
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What time is it?
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It's half past ten
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It's two past nine
pełna godzina
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