RK 140514

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question réponse
pomóc Ci?
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Shall I help you?
Mam to zrobić dla Ciebie?
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Shall I do it for you?
Mam to podpisać?
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Shall I sign it?
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Shall we dance?
Może usiądziemy?
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Shall we sit?
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Shall we start?
Pójdziemy do kina?
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Shall we go to the cinema?
Co my teraz zrobimy?
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What shall do we do now?
Co ja mam teraz zrobić?
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What shall I do now?
Gdzie mamy pójść?
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Where shall we go?
napijemy się wina?
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Shall we have some wine?
zrobić ci kawy?
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Shall I get you some coffee?
Do kogo mam zadzwonić?
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Who Shall I call?
No co ci mam powiedzieć...
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Well shall I tell you...
Robimy spotkanie?
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Shall We heve a meeting?

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