RK 09.04

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question réponse
Nice to see you again.
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Miło cię znowu widzieć.
Welcome to our company.
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Witam w naszej firmie.
Call me Robert.
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Mów mi Robert.
How was your trip?
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Jak podróż?
My trip was OK, thank you.
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My trip was OK, thank you.
Have you met Magda?
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Znasz już Magdę?
Let me introduce you...
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Pozwól, że ci przedstawię...
Your office is very nice.
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Twoje biuro jest bardzo ładne.
Nice to hear it.
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Miło mi to słyszeć.
Would you like some coffee?
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Chciałbyś kawy?
Help yourself.
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Częstuj się.
Let me show you round.
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Pozwól, że cię oprowadzę...
Shall we go to my office?
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Może pójdziemy do mojego biura?
This way, please.
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Tędy, proszę.
After you.
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Pan pierwszy.
Let’s get down to work.
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Weźmy się do pracy.

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