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el hito / la piedra miliar Why milestones are important?
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I’m going to take a measure
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I wish to get this accomplishments
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tambien aignifica: agarrar, poder contener, tener capacidad para, abrazar a, esperar, resistir, bidega the promise of all that the future can hold
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tambien significa: limites, atado, amarrado (+ by) estar obligado a, (+ for) destinado celebrate the leaps and bounds
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have you reach your dreams?
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the business has outlasted the competition
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money is still a mainstay of our lives
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they’ve learned and achived with their family and friends
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tambien significa: darse cuenta de, percatarse de, saber
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rechazar (verbo compuesto)
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hondsight, many people have said
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many people have said tha his lessons are prophetic
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the people is wealthiest one percent
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in this world there are a lot of proverty
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conpany industrial average
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tambien singifica: vanidoso, superficial, banal
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the giant crashed of 1929
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I threw the rubbish away
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Your home is not an asset
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Who sent me a rejection
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subprime borrowers
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tambien significa algo por defecto George didn't respond to any of the letters
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Tambien significa pago mensual Tom took out a mortgage and bought a house.
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tambien significa emeger / aparecer
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armas de destruccion masiva
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el descenso / la prueba de descenso
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she promising to raise the taxes on the rich people
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root of all evel
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the lack of money is the root of all evel
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president statment
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for myself turned out to be much more vaulable
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Staggering national debt is due in large part
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quedarse sin (verbo compuesto)
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I gained vaulable insight
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conocimiento/ perepcion/ vision
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earned a retirement and entitlement
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I am entitled to these benefits
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That people really shape their lives
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The project suffered a setback
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